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Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistical Applications | Volume: 1
August 23-24, 2018 | London, UK
Applied Physics
International Conference on
Charge transport in branched conducting polymers: Quantum graphs based approach
Doniyor Babajanov
Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
onducting polymers has attracted much attention recently
in the context of organic electronics. Some types of such
polymers can have supramolecular (macroscopic) branching.
Branched polymers occur when groups of units branch off from
the long polymer chain. These branches are known as side
chains and can also be very long groups of repeating structures.
Branching polymers can be further categorized by how they
branch off from the main chain. Polymers with many branches
are known as dendrimers, and these molecules can form a
webbing when cooled. This can make the polymer strong in the
ideal temperature range. Such branched polymer chains can be
modeled in terms of so-called quantumgraphs, which are the set
of nanoscale bonds connected at the vertices. The connection
rule is called topology of a graph. Modeling of wave dynamics in
branched conducting polymers require developing of effective
methods allowing to take into account transition of the waves
from one to another branches via the branching points. One
of such approaches is based on the use of metric graphs as the
models of the branched polymers.Within such approach, exciton
dynamics can be modeled in terms of the Schrodinger equation
on metric graphs.
In this work we use solve the problem of exciton dynamics and
charge separation (via splitting of exciton into electron and hole)
by modeling the whole system in terms of quantum graph. The
main problemwe studied is splitting of exciton from transmission
fromone branch to another one. Charge separation probability is
explicitly calculated.