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August 16-17, 2018 | Paris, France

Primary Healthcare



International Conference on

International Conference and Medicare Expo on


Pediatrics Health Care

Joint Event

Journal of Current Pediatric Research | Volume: 22


he syndrome consisting of Interstitial lung disease,

Nephrotic syndrome and Epidermolysis bulllosa is

considered to be associated with Integrin α3 (ITGA3) gene

mutations. To date only six patients are reported: all carried

homozygous ITGA3 mutations and presented a dramatically

severe phenotype leading to death before age 2 years,

from multi-organ failure due to interstitial lung disease &

congenital nephrotic syndrome.

A 9-year-old female child second born of third degree

consanguinuous marriage presented with complaints of

breathlessness, cough and cold intermittent in nature

for the past 6 months. The child was apparently normal

until 1 year of age.History elicited revealed uneventful

antenatal period, ATT undertaken on positive mantoux with

development of skin lesions, passing of foamy, frothy urine

& teary eyes for the past 5 years. On examination, retarded

growth in terms of height & weight with normal mental age

and skin lesions along with periorbital edema were noted.

Investigations revealed Pulmonary fibrosis suggestive of

Interstitial lung disease, Massive proteinuria indicative of

Nephrotic syndrome, Grade III Renal parenchymal disease,

Epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica. Genetic testing revealed

ITGA 3 mutations and a diagnosis of ILNEB Syndrome was

reached from the same.

The Patient was administered supportive treatment with

necessary antibiotics and other drugs and advised of danger

signs and symptoms such as elevated breathlessness,

oliguria, renal failure and worsening of general condition.

The patient and her family were counselled under the

guidance of a qualified psychiatrist and geneticist.

We describe a variant of the extremely rare ILNEB Syndrome

carrying unreported missense mutations in the ITGA3 gene,

which is responsible for Interstitial Lung disease, congenital

Nephrotic syndrome and Epidermolysis Bullosa (ILNEB). Our

case is all the more unique in that, of the six ILNEB patients

so far reported, who all died within the age of 19 months

frommulti-organ failure; our case overcame childhood and is

now 9 years old and manifests a mild clinical phenotype due

to the lack of homozygous mutations as seen in the other



ILNEB Syndrome

S Prashanth



The Tamil Nadu M.G.R. Medical University, India

Pediatrics & Primary HealthCare 2018, Volume 22

DOI: 10.4066/0971-9032-C1-003