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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 2
December 06 -07, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Pet roleum Engineer ing, Oil and Gas
International Conference on
Joint Event
Production reassignment and reserves distribution on a giant shared reservoir
Jorge Barboza
VYP Consultores SA, Argentina
n the conventional scheme of the oil industry, exploitation
concessions are granted by areas delimited on the surface
but at the subsoil level they often fail to cover the entire volume
of the reservoir, even more in large deposits, consequently the
reservoir spread underground through various concession
areas and it is therefore managed by multiple operators, under
this situation the accumulation is known as shared reservoir. On
a shared reservoir original oil in place and reserves estimation
are made according to the volume of the reservoir contained
within the concession, however oil production does not obey
limits or estimations, because oil will move freely to zones of
greater drainage, this means that throughout the productive
life of a shared reservoir the recoveries for each operator can be
very different from the estimates or assigned reserves, resulting
in a beneficial situation to one operator and negatively affecting
another. This document describes and deals with a review of
reservesmadeonagiantoil reservoirmanagedby twooperators
but with preferential drainage to one area, in which cumulative
oil production differs greatly from the recoverable volumes
calculated for each concession area, creating a complex reserve
estimation scenario due to the impossibility of performing a
conventional calculation for the remaining volumes available
for each operator. To solve this situation a methodology was
applied to reallocate the cumulative production between the
two areas and a distribution of the remaining reserves was
achieved based on production history and forecasts, resulting
satisfactory for both parties.
barbozajh@gmail.comOil & Gas 2018 &
Petroleum Engineering 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C2-006