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Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 2
December 06 -07, 2018 | Dubai, UAE
Pet roleum Engineer ing, Oil and Gas
International Conference on
Joint Event
A legal study on the term of observance of environmental considerations in international oil and gas
contracts, focusing on new Iranian Petroleum Contracts (IPC)
Ehsan Sarkhosh
Imam Sadiq University, Iran
he right to have a healthy environment is one of the
fundamental rights of humanity and nowadays, the
necessity to ensure the exercise of this right is felt more than
ever. In this regard, exploration, development and operation
contracts of oil and gas are important because of the extent of
damages that these operations cause to the environment. In
addition, a considerable part of the world’s oil and gas reserves
is located in developing countries, which most of them do
not have the necessary legal regimes to apply international
standards. In this article, we study the different environmental
clauses contained in various oil and gas contract patterns,
including the new generation of Iranian PetroleumContracts. In
this regard, when we study older contracts it is understood that
the environment issue has not been considered appropriately
and it is since the middle of the twentieth century that the
terms and conditions about protecting the environment are
gradually inserted in these contracts. However, most of these
terms are often too general and sometimes vague; in addition
in most cases there are no specific responsibilities for those
who violate these provisions. The present study is conducted
based on the analysis of content of international oil and gas
contracts and related provisions. The purpose of this article
is to study the strategies available in international contracts,
to analyze the current situation of relevant provisions in Iran,
and finally to provide appropriate and efficient solutions about
environmental issues in light of the current status of oil and
gas fields. According to the results of this paper, it is imperative
that countries which have oil, including the Islamic Republic of
Iran, in addition to drafting laws and regulations for monitoring
and controlling oil operations, shall provide a comprehensive
monitoring system for the implementation of environmental
sarkhosh313@yahoo.comOil & Gas 2018 &
Petroleum Engineering 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-7331-C2-006