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December 02-03, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
Oil & Gas
International Conference and Expo on
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 3
Microbial origin biosurfactants in Enhanced Oil Recovery and their production strate-
gies: A review
Tapas Medhi
Saurav Haloi
Tezpur University, India
icrobial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) is an alternative
to EOR methods having advantages like low toxicity,
bioequivalence, biodegradability, and economic feasibility
for field implementation. The in-situ and ex-situ production
of microbial metabolites and their application in laboratory
scale study as well as in actual oil field condition, have their
own merits and demerits, which require a multidisciplinary
effort comprising of tools from Geophysics, Microbiology,
Biochemistry, Soil Science, Chemical Engineering and
Mechanical Engineering. Biosurfactants are amphipathic
substances produced by a group of microbes like
sp., Pseudomonas sp., Alcaligenes sp., Achromobacrers sp.,
Burkholderia sp., Clostridium sp., Rhodococcus sp
., etc.,
which play an imperative role in effecting efficient enhanced
oil recovery through surface and interfacial tension (IFT)
mitigation, wettability alteration, and viscosity reduction to
increase permeability, etc. But, the main drawbacks to using
biosurfactants of microbial origin in MEOR are their higher
production cost and low production rates. Therefore, in this
article, we primarily focused on different biotechnological
approaches for incrementing biosurfactant production. Also,
we have summarized the success story of biosurfactant based
MEOR technology in laboratory scale as well as in the field scale
highlighting the economics crude oil recovery.
Speaker Biography
Tapas Medhi is currently working as Assistant Professor of Biochemistry
and Bioprocess Engineering in the Department of Molecular Biology
and Biotechnology, Tezpur University, Assam, India. He received his
PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India.
He completed his Master of Science in Agriculture from the College of
Agriculture, Assam Agricultural University, India. He then worked at the
Institute of Biochemistry, Leipzig University, Germany as Postdoctoral
Fellow in a DFG funded project on “Functionalisation of Hydrocarbons”
for two years and as Assistant Professor at Tezpur University in India
since 2006. He also acted as Head of the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
Ltd (ONGC) sponsored Centre for Petroleum Biotechnology (CPBT) for
a three years term. He has authored several publications in various
journals. His publications reflect his research interests in Cytochrome
P 450 Biochemistry, biopesticides and bioremediation of crude oil
contaminated soil. He is currently in charge of two ongoing scholarly
projects on Phytoremediation and Microbial enhanced oil recovery.
tmedhi@tezu.ernet.inTapas Medhi et al.
, J Ind Environ Chem, Volume:3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7331-C3-014