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December 02-03, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
Oil & Gas
International Conference and Expo on
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 3
A comprehensive study on causes of oil spills and remediation
Ansh Kapoor
DIT University, India
This review describes the recent progress
concerning oil spills caused due to carelessness of workers,
crashing of systems, natural disasters or vandalism, etc. by
incorporating remediation techniques based on applications
of super hydrophobicity, superoleophobicity and surfactants.
Methods, Procedures, Process:
A number of preventive
measures are discussed in this study that includes- treatment
of oil spillage using temporary floating barriers/booms,
scattering of oil by dispersants or emulsifiers, development
of nano fibrillated cellulose sponge that soaks up oil and
omits water, natural disintegration of oil by bacterial species
present in Spartina plant tissues, dispersion of lodestone
particles that stick to the oil and isolate it fromwater through
magnetism, development of MnO2 coated inverse wetting
meshes or of Cu surfaces with laser induced micro holes and
CuO nanowires, biosorption involving Naomaterials that help
in getting rid of spilled oil, etc.
Results, Observations, Conclusions:
Oil spill causes heavy
economic loss and has long term effects on ecological system
along with habitation and vegetation at coastal regions. The
oil slick blocks the pathway of oxygen and harms the aquatic
life. The dispersed oil combines with marine snow and form
oil-related marine snow which is larger than natural marine
snow and is consumed by aquatic animals, this leads to oil
process can cause cardiac arrest or arterial congestion in
workers. Some other hazardous effects may include exposure
to crude oil that causes heart electrophysiology dysfunction
and nervous systembreakdown in fish and collection of crude
oil in intertidal region that intoxicate the intertidal species.
Novel/Additive Information:
An oil tanker spilled 240-260
million gallons oil, near Kuwait as a result of deliberate act
by Iraq. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the US
handles law enforcement regarding oil spillage. Most laws
established by it carry criminal charges. The International
convention for prevention of pollution caused by ships set
in 1973, modified by the protocol of 1978 which is MARPOL,
governing marine pollution via discharge or spillage comes
under an International regulation.
Speaker Biography
Ansh Kapoor pursuing B.Tech in petroleum engineering and STPO
(Student Training & Placement Officer) at DIT university, India. He
completed summer internship at Directorate General of Hydrocarbons
and completed IWCF Level 1 Programme with 99.17% (793.33 out
of 800 marks). He secured 3rd position in Transcendence (Paper
presentation) during JIGYASA 2019, the Annual Colloquium of UPES FIPI
Student Chapter. He was the Campus ambassador for JIGYASA 2019, the
Annual Colloquium of UPES FIPI Student Chapter.
ak24458@gmail.comAnsh Kapoor
, J Ind Environ Chem, Volume:3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7331-C3-014