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December 02-03, 2019 | Dubai, UAE
Oil & Gas
International Conference and Expo on
Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry | Volume 3
Hydrodynamic studies of wells as a tool for adjusting geological data and assessing the influence
of underlying water on the development of Reservoir PK1-3 of the East-Messoyakhskoye Field
Kovalenko Igor Victorovich, Listoykin Dmitriy
GAZPROM NEFT Science & Technology Centre, Russia
he paper presents the experience of well test results
for geological and simulation models correction at the
stages of experimental industrial exploitation and industrial
exploitation of the heavy oilfieldwith a systemwith horizontal
wells. The potential for each borehole can be influenced by
the geological structure of the reservoir (boundaries, facies,
water-oil contact, gas-oil contact, etc.) and the perfection
of technological completion (contamination of the bottom
zone, lack of inflows from the horizontal segment, etc). An
instrument to clarify the structure of the reservoir and the
perfecting of the autopsy is the conduct of the well test. As
a result of the studies carried out, the PK1-3 reservoirs were
characterized by characteristics contrary to the standard
approaches of thewell test in horizontal wells. The theoretical
reasons for these features are discussed in the paper.
The most important issue for decision-making on the further
development of the deposit is the introduction of a reservoir-
pressure system. The question of the need to introduce the
injection wells or to work in elastic mode? In the case of
pumping, drilling to the target well reservoir or to the water
of the saturated power? At the initial stage of development,
these issues are one of the main concerns in connection
with the active drilling of the field and significant selection
of the mining fund. Thus, the process of reducing pressure
on the reservoir may lead to irreversible phase transitions
associated with the allocation of gas. This article discusses a
comprehensive assessment of the well test structure of the
reservoir, an approach to estimating the aquifer. In the joint
work of the wells, there is a parallel influence between the
boreholes and the interference of the pressure through the
well. In relation to the relationship and response value, the
"total" capacitywas calculated and the areaswith the greatest
influence of the aquifer were identified, and the geological
relationship of the neighboring Wells was refined. Similarly,
the rate of pressure drop in the work of the aquifers has been
calculated and conclusions reached. A conceptual strategy
has been developed for reservoirs of similar abundance in
order to reduce prematurely the risks of reduced reservoir
pressure. In addition, the latest achievements in the field
of hydrodynamic studies of wells designed for the study
of horizontal wells with multistage hydraulic fracturing in a
low-permeability reservoir will be presented.
Speaker Biography
Kovalenko Igor Victorovich working as the Head of programs of Nadym-
Pur-Tazovskiy region (projects: Yamburg, Pestsovoe, En-Yaha, and
Arcticgaz) in GAZPROM NEFT Science & Technology center, Tyumen
city, Russia. And he also involved in Management of projects Yamburg,
Pestsovoe, En-Yaha, and Arcticgaz in the area of geology and reservoir
engineering and Building efficient interactions between license
holders of these oil and gas fields and science & technology center.
kovalenko.iv@gazpromneft-ntc.ruKovalenko Igor Victorovich et al.
, J Ind Environ Chem, Volume:3
DOI: 10.35841/2591-7331-C3-014