Insights Nutr Metab 2017
Volume 1 Issue 3
Nutrition World 2017
Page 45
September 11-12, 2017 Edinburgh, Scotland
World Congress on
Advances in Nutrition, Food Science & Technology
Greek children suffering from asthma
abandon Mediterranean dietary pattern:
Baseline results
M M Papamichael
, Ch Katsardis
, D Tsoukalas
, B Erbas
and C
La Trobe University, Australia
National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
European Institute of Nutritional Medicine, Italy
Statement of problem:
The rapid rise in paediatric
asthma has become a major public health concern.
Apart from a genetic predisposition, poor dietary habits
have been implicated as one of the environmental
factors responsible for the asthma epidemic. Emerging
evidence from observational studies has documented a
reduction in asthma prevalence and wheezing in children
consuming a Mediterranean diet. However, intervention
trials investigating the association between food groups
and dietary patterns in children are lacking.
The purpose of this RCT study is to investigate
whether an increase in fatty fish consumption in the context
of a Mediterranean diet reduces asthma symptoms in
Greek children.
Children aged 5-12 years with doctor-
diagnosed ‘mild asthma’ were recruited from a paediatric
asthma clinic in Athens, Greece and randomized into two
groups. The intervention group is instructed to consume
2 serves of fatty fish per week (at least 150g cooked fish/
serve) for 6 months. And the control group, their usual diet.
Questionnaires are used to collect information on medical,
dietary, socio-demographic, asthma control and quality of
life. Respiratory function is evaluated using spirometry
and exhaled nitric oxide analysis. KIDMED test is used to
evaluate adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern.
At baseline, from a sample of 72 children
(54.2% boys, 45.8% girls), mean KIDMED score is 5.38
± 2.02; 21.1% of children have “Very low adherence”,
60.6% “Need for improvement” and 18.3% “Optimal
Mediterranean diet” adherence according to the KIDMED
Conclusion & Significance:
There is a clear trend of
abandonment of the Mediterranean lifestyle in Greek
children. Given the sustainability and overall health
benefits of the Mediterranean dietary pattern, it is essential
that public health strategies focus on its promotion. Future
clinical trials are recommended to provide concrete
evidence on the efficacy of the Mediterranean diet in the
management of childhood asthma.
M M Papamichael is a registered Dietician who has dedicated her life in
educating people the importance of good nutrition and exercise in the
prevention and management of disease as well as in improving health and
well-being. Being an asthma sufferer since childhood, has motivated her to
undertake a PhD research project at La Trobe University to investigate the
prophylactic potential of a Mediterranean diet enriched with fatty fish in the
management of asthma in children.
sassipap@hotmail.comM M Papamichael et al., Insights Nutr Metab 2017