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Nov 12-13, 2018 | Paris, France

Nutraceuticals and Food Sciences

International Conference on



International Conference on

Nursing and Healthcare


Joint Event

Journal of Food science and Nutrition | Volume 1

Building a food safety culture and questioning the philosophy and practicalities of the revised 2018

BRC global quality standard version 8, ‘Clause 1.1.2’

Derek Watson

University of Sunderland, UK


espite the advancements of food quality systems and

governmental regulations, the threatof foodcontamination

is ever present in all societies. Foodborne diseases annually

cause as many as 600 million illnesses and 420,00 deaths

worldwide. It is a sobering reality that the fight against food

contamination cannot be viewed at a battle but a way of life

by both management and its employers. Breaches in such

defence systems can be critical for the consumer and financially

crippling to organisations in terms of fines and reputational

damage. This paper draws upon key case studies drawn from

food manufactures operating in Greece, Mongolia, Panama,

UK and USA and synthesizes core issues that directly contribute

to both a positive and negative food safety cultures. The paper

further asks the question if the revised 2018 BRC Global Quality

Standard Version 8, ‘Clause 1.1.2’ and its Food Safety Cultural

Requirements are an attribute and or an academic exercise for

food manufactures.

Speaker Biography

Derek Watson Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, founder of the

Faculty ‘Business Clinic’ and the Doctoral lead for the University’s ‘Research Fridays’

programme and has rich experience of mapping skills requirements in emerging

sectors. He has extensive links and networks as a result of sourcing and embedding

external engagement opportunities across the curriculum, with an international

portfolio of clients and contacts, such as the British Cabinet Office, Indian

Government Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Dubai Police and Canon

International. His research focuses on academic-industry collaboration, investigating

the impact of knowledge exchange and food safety cultural compliance. He actively

documenting his consultancy experience via international academic journals and

has delivered lectures and seminars at universities and symposiums on a global

scale. He has been appointed on the editorial board for the ‘International Journal

of Academic Research in Management’. He is also a Doctoral External Examiner,

academic reviewer of several international journals and currently employed as

‘External Examiner’ for Staffordshire University DBA programmes in Business & Law.

In addition, a Visiting Professor at Sias Business School and Sias Academy for Open

Innovation at Sias International University in China, the Technological University

of Panama and Senior Research Fellow at the Cyprus Business School, Cyprus.
