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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
August 23-24, 2018 | Paris, France
Neurology and Neurological Disorders
International Conference on
Chronic stress and moderate exercise prompt widespread common activation and limited differential
activation in specific brain regions
Tae-Kyung Kim
Seung-Jae Lee
Pyung-Lim Han
Seoul National University College of Medicine, South Korea
Ewha Woman’s University, South Korea
hronic stress in rodents produces depressive behaviors,
whereas moderate exercise counteracts stress-induced
depressive behaviors. Stress and exercise appear to produce
such opposing effects by changing the neural activity of specific
brain regions. However, the detailed mechanisms through
which the two different types of stimuli regulate brain function
in opposite directions are not clearly understood. In the present
study, we attempted to explore the neuroanatomical substrates
mediating stress-induced depressive behavioral changes and
anti-depressant effects of exercise by examining stimulus-
dependent c-Fos induction in the brains of mice that were
exposed to repeated stress or exercise in a scheduled manner.
Systematic and integrated analyses of c-Fos expression profiles
indicated that various brain areas, including the prelimbic
cortex (PrL), parietal cortex (PaC), lateral septal nucleus (LS), and
paraventricular nuclei of hypothalamus (PVN) were commonly
and strongly activated by both stress and exercise, while the
habenula (HB) and hippocampus (HP) were identified as being
preferentially activated by stress and exercise, respectively.
Exercise-dependent c-Fos expression in all regions examined
in the brain occurred in both glutamatergic and GABAergic
neurons. These results suggest that chronic stress andmoderate
exercise produce counteractive effects on mood behaviors,
along with prompting widespread common activation and
limited differential activation in specific brain regions.
Speaker Biography
Tae-Kyung Kim graduated from Korea University in South Korea with a bachelor’s
degree in biology. During graduate study at Rutgers University (Robert Wood
Johnson Medical School), he studied the molecular mechanisms and regulation
of eukaryotic gene expression under the supervision of Dr. Danny Reinberg (HHMI,
currently at NYU). After obtaining a PhD degree in Biochemistry, he continued
his research career in the laboratory of Dr. Michael Greenberg (Harvard Medical
School) as a postdoctoral fellow, studying how neuronal activity controls gene
expression in neurons to mediate synapse remodeling and plasticity. He joined
the faculty in the Department of Neuroscience at UT Southwestern in 2010.