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Journal of Neurology and Neurorehabilitation Research | Volume 3
August 23-24, 2018 | Paris, France
Neurology and Neurological Disorders
International Conference on
Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells and Insulin effect on BDNF expression in CA1 and CA3 regions
of rats’ hippocampus after Chronic Hypoxia
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Brain is vulnerable to deprivation of oxygen
supply during hypoxia, and therefore undergoes
neurodegeneration and cognitive dysfunction. Regarded
to Regenerative capacities of Wharton’s jelly -MSCs and
insulin at the site of injury, we were aimed to evaluate the
effect of Wharton’s jelly -MSCs and insulin on degenerative
consequences induced by chronic hypoxia.
36 male rats were randomly divided in 6groups:
Control(C), Sham1-saline (Sh1), Sham2-surgery (Sh2),
Hypoxia (H), Hypoxia+ Insulin (HI), Hypoxia+ MSCs (HCs).
Animals were exposed to hypoxic chamber (8% O2, 92% N2)
for 30 days (4hours/day) in H, HI and HCs groups. Intranasal
insulin and stereotaxical MSCs in HI and HCs was used,
respectively. Spatial learning and memory were analyzed
using the Morris water maze task. BDNF gene expression
was studied in the hippocampus by real time-PCR.
BDNF had the significant depletion in HI group and
magnification in HI and HCs groups comparing with C and
Sh groups (p < 0.05). Insulin and MSCs improve Hypoxia’s
signs such as BDNF gene expression fallen and memory
In conclusion, we indicated that use of
insulin hormone and MSCs as neuroprotective and
stimulating factors for neurogenesis, could be beneficial in
neurodegenerative damage induced by hypoxia.
Speaker Biography
Simin Mahakizadeha has completed her PhD from Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Iran and received her master’s degree in Anatomy from Golestan
University of Medical Science, Iran. Her Bachelor’s degree was received from Shiraz
University of Medical Sciences in the field of physiotherapy. She has published
her papers and participated in many national and international conferences.