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Microbiology: Current Research | Volume 3
May 20-21, 2019 | Vienna, Austria
Medical Microbiology
International Conference on
Microbiol Curr Res, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-8036-C1-006
Susceptibility to Hepatitis B infection, Hepatitis B/HIV co-infections and Hepatitis B
immunity in HIV positive patients starting HAART in Durban, South Africa
Chonco FM
University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
HIV/HBV co-infection remains a global threat to
HIV management despite the available effective Hepatitis B
vaccine and Hepatitis B covering Antiretroviral therapy. Many
studies done in South Africa and internationally showed high
prevalence of HIV/ Hepatitis B co-infection which mandated
routine screening for both infections before initiating HAART.
Fewer studies highlighted the prevalence of Hepatitis B
susceptibility in the general population starting HAART and
most of them were limited to children and high-risk groups.
The aim of this study was to demonstrate the extent of
Hepatitis B susceptibility, Hepatitis B/HIV co-infections and
Hepatitis B immunity in the general HIV infected patients.
This was a retrospective review of randomly
sampled 1066 files of patients initiated on HAART between
January 2012 and December 2014 at two Durban hospitals.
Data collection included demographic characteristic, CD4
counts and Hepatitis B serology. Data was analysed for the
prevalence of Hepatitis B susceptibility, HIV/HBV co-infection
and Hepatitis B immunity, while correlations between age,
CD4 count and these three groups were demonstrated.
Statistical analysis was performed using SAS version 9.3
Total prevalence of HBV susceptibility was 69.7%,
HBV immunity was 26.9% and true chronic HIV/HBV co-
infection was 3.4%, while HBVsAg positivity accounted for
8.4% of the participants. Adults were more susceptible to
HBV than children, with median age of 36 years. Stratified for
age, children were more immune (90%) to HBV than adults.
This study demonstrated a significantly high
number of HIV infected persons who were susceptible to
Hepatitis B infection in Durban, South Africa, where both
HIV and HBV are endemic, co-infection is high and safe and
effective HBV vaccine is available. We recommend Hepatitis
B vaccination of the Hepatitis B susceptible patients initiating
HAART in South Africa to prevent further HIV/HBV co-