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Microbiology: Current Research | Volume 3
May 20-21, 2019 | Vienna, Austria
Medical Microbiology
International Conference on
Knowledge and attitudes about antibiotic use and resistance: A cross-sectional study
among primary healthcare center attendees in an urban area, Alexandria, Egypt
Rayan R
Alexandria University, Egypt
ntibiotic misuse and bacterial resistance are a significant
public health concern worldwide. Egypt lacks policies and
regulations concerning medication prescriptions. The study
explores the knowledge and attitudes regarding antibiotic use
and resistance among adults attending a primary healthcare
center in an urban area of Alexandria. The researcher
conducted a single point, descriptive cross-sectional study
on 87 adults aged ≥18 years attending a primary healthcare
center in an urban area of Alexandria in January 2019 using
a semi-structured questionnaire to gather data about the
knowledge and attitudes of using antibiotics and resistance
through face-to-face interviewing method. The data were
analyzed by descriptive statistics to explore the respondents’
level of knowledge with respect to the use of antibiotics and
resistance. High level of knowledge was assigned as > 66.7%
of the total score. About 52.8 % of the respondents (63.2%
of them were females) lack adequate knowledge about the
use and resistance of antibiotics. Almost 65.6 % of males had
less restrictive knowledge about the use of antibiotics and
resistance than 45.5 % of the females. Simultaneously, 47.1 %
of the respondents erroneously believed that antibiotics work
onbothbacterial and viral infections and14.9%thought it just
fights viruses. Approximately, 66.7%of themwereunawareof
the meaning of antibiotic resistance. Moreover, 33.3 % stated
they have no role to play against bacterial resistance. 83.9 %
of respondents knew that vaccination could prevent bacterial
resistance. The findings display poor knowledge and attitudes
of proper antibiotic use and resistance among respondents.
Healthcare providers should utilize these findings to educate
the public on how to rationally use antibiotics and the health
hazards of bacterial resistance.
rayanr@alexu.edu.egMicrobiol Curr Res, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-8036-C1-006