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Microbiology: Current Research | Volume 3
May 20-21, 2019 | Vienna, Austria
Medical Microbiology
International Conference on
Hand hygiene assessment of staff working in food processing units by detecting
germs of the genus
Puchianu Gheorghe
Transylvania University of Braşov, Romania
taphylococcus aureus
is commonly worn by seemingly
healthy people (usually on the nasal mucosa and on the
skin). Frequency of wearers is higher among people who
present or have experienced boils, panartists, or various
wounds in the skin. The main danger of food contamination
with bacteria of the genus
, consists in the
development by some strains (coagulase - positive) of an
enterotoxin capable of causing acute gastroenteritis in
Staphylococcal enterotoxin
is thermostable, which is
why it is difficult or even impossible to inactivate it after its
development. Produces intoxications with a short incubation
period even after 30 minutes after ingestion, generally after
3-6 hours. The risk of intoxication increases because the
growth of these bacteria does not necessarily cause changes
in the taste and smell of the food even when the number is
high. The collection of sanitation samples was made from
several food processing units fromhard-to-reach points (30%)
and from the surfaces with which the food came into direct
contact (work tables, tops, walls, etc.) (70 %). Depending on
the surface, the number of samples taken was 7, for areas
less than 1000 m
and 12 for areas larger than 1000 m
Randomized samples were also taken from the hands of the
workers involved in the different processing steps, accounting
for 5% of the total number of employees. On Baird - Parker,
typical colonies of
Staphylococcus aureus
presented a
blackish - gray, bright, convex color, approximately 1.5-2 mm
in diameter after 48 hours of incubation, surrounded by a
clear or sometimes opalescent area. Atypical colonies also
considered "background flora", have the same characteristics
but without the presence of clear or opalescent areas. For
confirmation, gram stained smears were performed and
examined by microscope with a 100x immersion objective.
The number of positive samples was 3.7%, of which 0.6%
coagulase positive
were isolated. Of the
total positive samples, 87% were taken from the hands
of the staff, 6% from the worktops, 3% from the floors
and 4% from the other surfaces. Staff working in the food
industry is the main potential source of microbiological
contamination with bacteria of the genus
which is why the proportion of sanitation samples taken
from food processing units must be the hands of the staff.
gpuchianu@yahoo.comMicrobiol Curr Res, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2591-8036-C1-006