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November 22-23, 2018 | Paris, France
Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume: 2
Materials Physics and Materials Science
International Conference on
Additive SLS machine for PEEK
Alexey Nazarov
Moscow State Technological University, Russia
he parts manufactured by the selective laser sintering
(SLS) technology from some types of powders based on
polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cause increased interest. They
have high strength values, high heat resistance, as well as
excellent biocompatibility and dielectric properties. A set of
these properties in combination with the capabilities of the
SLS method allows creating unique parts. These parts are
increasingly used in the aerospace industry, medicine, and
We present the original design of the SLS machine for PEEK,
which has the following advantages:
i. The accuracy of the applied powder layer ±10μm
ii. The capability of automated control of the powder recoater
iii. The possibility of changing the intensity distribution into the
spot of laser radiation from “gauss” to “reverse gauss” or
“top hat”, which can improve the quality of the components
produced by the SLS method and others.
Speaker Biography
Alexey Nazarov has completed his PhD at the age of 26 years. He is the designer of
SLS/SLM equipment, engineer of the Laboratory of Innovative Additive Technologies
of MSTU “STANKIN”, Moscow.