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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume 2

July 23-25, 2018 | Moscow, Russia

Materials Science and Engineering

International Conference on

NFFA-Europe: Enhancing European competitiveness in Nanoscience research and innovation

Ennio Capria

European Synchrotron, France


FFA-Europe is an European open-access resource for

experimental & theoretical nanoscience that carries out

comprehensive projects for multidisciplinary research at the

nanoscale ranging from synthesis to nanocharacterization, to

theory and numerical simulation. Advanced infrastructures

specializedon growth, nano-lithography, nano-characterization,

theory and simulation and fine-analysis with Synchrotron, FEL

and Neutron radiation sources are integrated into a multi-

site combination to develop frontier research on methods for

reproducible nanoscience research thus enabling European

and international researchers from diverse disciplines to carry

out advanced proposals impacting on science and innovation.

NFFA-Europe coordinates access to infrastructures on different

aspects of nanoscience research that are not currently available

at single specialized sites without duplicating specific scopes.

Internationally peer-reviewed approved user projects have

access to the best suited instruments, competences and

technical support for performing research, including access to

analytical large scale facilities, theory and simulation and high-


to European users. Two researchers per user group are entitled

to receive partial financial contribution towards the travel and

subsistence costs incurred. The user access scheme includes at

least two “installations” and is coordinated via a single entry

point portal that activates an advanced user-infrastructure

dialogue to build up a personalized access programme with an

increasing return on science and innovation production. NFFA-

Europe’s own research activity addresses key bottlenecks of

nanoscience research: i.e. nanostructure traceability, protocol

reproducibility, in-operando nano-manipulation and analysis,

open data.

Speaker Biography

Ennio Capria is actually Deputy Head of Business Development (Experiment Division)

of the European Synchrotron (ESRF). He gained his PhD in Applied Physics at Cranfield

University (UK). He then undertook a series of academic and industrial positions in

different sectors of Nanotechnology. In his research career he has worked on the

development of Nanobiosensors and on Nanocomposites for various applications. In

2011 he joined Elettra where he worked on manufacturing of optoelectronic devices

and particularly their characterisation with synchrotron light. Finally, from September

2013 he joined ESRF as the IRT NanoElec Industrial Liaison Engineer, dedicated to

the domain of micro-electronics. He has a strong background in the application

of a wide range of synchrotron techniques to industrial and applied R&D problems
