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Journal of Materials Science and Nanotechnology | Volume 2
July 23-25, 2018 | Moscow, Russia
Materials Science and Engineering
International Conference on
Metal-Graphene hybridmaterials as heterogeneous catalyst for carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom
cross coupling reactions
Minoo Dabiri
Shahid Beheshti University, Iran
Graphene, one of the most promising materials in
nanotechnology. Its unique physical, chemical and mechanical
properties are outstanding and could allow the preparation
of hybrid materials with unique characteristics. From the
theoretical point of view, it provides the ultimate two-
dimensional model of catalytic support. This study, the thirteen
nanohybrids based on graphene as support were designed
and synthesized as well as heterogeneous catalysts used in the
carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatoms coupling reactions. All
nanohybrids were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Raman
scattering, transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron
microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy.
m-dabiri@sbu.ac.irTwo-dimensional lattice thermal transport ingrapheneusingphonon scatteringmechanism: Application
as heat management material
K K Choudhary
Indian Military Academy, India
he extremely high electrical and thermal conductivity
observed in graphene make it a suitable candidate as heat
lattice thermal transport in bilayer graphene is investigated
using phonon scattering mechanism. In the plane layer of
carbon atoms the thermal conductivity (κ) is demonstrated by
incorporating the phonon- defect, phonon-electron, phonon-
grainboundaries, phonon-phononumklapp scatterings andout-
of-plane phonon scattering process in the model Hamiltonian.
A typical T
dependence of thermal conductivity at observed
at low temperatures (lower than 150 K) is the resultant of
various operating phonon scattering mechanisms. Above room
temperatures, the thermal conductivity decreases and follows
almost T
dependence which is an artifact of the dominant
Umklapp phonon scattering at higher temperatures. The
phonon peak appear at around 225 K is due to the competition
between the increase in the phonon population and decrease
in phonon mean free path due to umklapp phonon scattering
with increasing temperature. The results obtained frompresent
model are in good agreement with the available experimental
data and reflect the two-dimensional nature of phonon
transport ingraphenewhich isdominatedbyphononscatterings