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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 8
March 26-27, 2018 | Orlando, USA
World Summit on
Healthcare & Hospital Management
International Conference & Exhibition on
Biologics and Biosimilars
According to the Nation Center for health
Statistics cirrhosis of the liver is the 12
leading cause of
death in the U.S and it is primarily caused by alcoholic liver
disease. National Center for Health Statistics indicated
cirrhosis is higher in blacks than in whites and the highest
mortality rate is among Hispanics. Results from NHANES
Study the frequency of steatohepatitis and cirrhosis varies
significantly by ethnicity: 45% Hispanics, 33% whites and
24% among blacks, Mexican Americans and Blacks have
a greater risk of developing liver disease than their white
Research Question/Hypothesis:
The objective of this study
is to investigate the importance of specific nutrients in the
nutrition management of cirrhosis of the liver.
Methods used in the Investigation:
This study was a single-
subject case report of a 49-year-old African American male
that was diagnosed with several comorbidities including
idiopathic cirrhosis of the liver. This subject was chosen at
random from the Howard University Hospital.
Results and Conclusion:
Patient had several nutrition
diagnoses including malnutrition, inadequate oral intake,
and impaired nutrient utilization and increase energy and
nutrient requirements. Nutrition plays a key role in the
management of cirrhosis of the liver specifically restricting
fluid and sodium, providing adequate carbohydrate, protein
and medium chain fatty acid as well as micronutrients such
as B vitamins and the fat-soluble vitamins.
verona.mulgrave@gmail.comNutritional management cirrhosis of the liver disease: A case report category : Nutritional sciences
Verona Mulgrave, Oyonomo Ntekim
Chimene Castor
Howard University, USA