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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 8

March 26-27, 2018 | Orlando, USA

World Summit on

Healthcare & Hospital Management


International Conference & Exhibition on

Biologics and Biosimilars

Y Leon Guo

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Precision medicine in prevention: Predicting atopic diseases


group of prevalent conditions in children, atopic dermatitis

(AD), asthma, and allergic rhinitis (AR) are chronic disorders

resulting in adverse quality of life in patients and their family

due to prolonged and repeated symptoms. The prevalences of

these atopic diseases have increased in the past two decades

worldwide, including in Taiwan. Atopic diseases are multi-

factorial diseases, that genetic and environmental factors

contribute to the development. However, environmental

factors probably play a more important role than genetic in the

rapidly increased prevalences in the past few decades. Exposed

to allergens and air pollutants, infection, stress, etc. were

all reported to associate with occurrence of atopic diseases.

Predictive models for estimating the risk probability of AD and

asthma were proposed based on analysis of follow-up study

of birth cohorts in Taiwan, taking into account of hereditary

and environmental factors. The predictive models were

further improved after taking into account biomarkers, genetic

polymorphisms, and maternal mental health during pregnancy.

Using this precision medicine approach, we can identify high-

risk children and potentially develop environmental preventive


Speaker Biography

Y. Leon Guo is currently an professor at National Taiwan University College of Medicine

Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Taiwan
