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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 8
March 26-27, 2018 | Orlando, USA
World Summit on
Healthcare & Hospital Management
International Conference & Exhibition on
Biologics and Biosimilars
Kiminobu Sugaya
University of Central Florida, USA
Small molecule drug therapy to increase neurogenesis in Alzheimer’s disease
espite decades of investigations in both basic and clinic, the
cause of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) still remains unknown.
Current problem of developing AD research is that many
treatments are focusing AD hallmarks, amyloid plaque and
neurofibrillary tangles, and they have been very effective in AD
animal models but never be successful showing any significant
effect in clinical trials. Thus, establishment of an effective
treatment in a model, which represents pathophysiology of
AD is needed. Previously, we were able to show improved
cognitive function of aged, memory-impaired animals through
the implantation of human neural stem cells (NSCs), which
produced much excitement throughout the research world and
the overall medical community; given the implication that this
could lead toa cure for all neurodegenerativediseases, including
AD. However, when we transplant NSCs to a transgenic animal
model produces Amyloid-β (Aβ) plaque formation in the brain
by expressing familial AD mutant amyloid precursor protein
(APP), mimicking the pathological condition of AD, we did not
find any new neuronal development formed from the donor
cells. This indicates that transplantation of NSCs by itself may
not be a cure for AD. Here, we show that the combination drug
therapy of Phenserine (reduce APP level) and NBI-18 (increase
endogenous NSCs) increased neurogenesis and significantly
improved memory in the transgenic AD mouse model. This
combination therapy could bring us an effective treatment
for AD. I will further discuss the use of iPS cell to confirm the
efficacy of this therapy
in vitro
3D human AD brain model.
Speaker Biography
Kiminobu Sugaya is a Professor of Medicine, the Head of Neuroscience and the Chair
of Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Alliance, Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences-
College of Medicine University of Central Florida.