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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 8
March 26-27, 2018 | Orlando, USA
World Summit on
Healthcare & Hospital Management
International Conference & Exhibition on
Biologics and Biosimilars
Hospital Readmissions are amultifaceted problem
that greatly impact health care quality and costs. Interventions
such as follow-up and discharge planning improvements have
shown variable levels of success in decreasing readmissions.
This study examines the impact of resident-based clinics on
adiacent hospital readmission rates.
Our study examined if outpatient follow-up at a
resident-run primary care clinic after hospitalization decreases
future utilization of inpatient and emergency care.
This quality improvement project utilized a pre-post
analysis of all patientswith a hospital admission and subsequent
follow—up at an internal medicine resident outpatient clinic
begun in July 2014 to assess total number of admissions.
ER visits, and cumulative hospital days before and after
establishing outpatient care in the resident clinic. Randomly
selected non-clinic patients admitted to the hospital within that
timeframe were also assessed in a pre-post manner and then
also compared with patients seen in the resident clinic.
outpatient clinic was 326, 155 insured and 171 uninsured, and
all patients eligible were included in this study (100%). Patients
seen in the resident clinic had a significant decrease in number
of readmissions and length of stay from pre-clinic to post-clinic
dates. Uninsured clinic patients also demonstrated a decreased
use of emergency room Services. The non-clinic population did
not demonstrate any Statistically significant Changes during the
Resident-run primary care clinics may be a useful
intervention to prevent hospital readmissions for patients and
thus substantially reduce costs and penalties that might be
Speaker Biography
Henry M. Haire, M.D., FACP, B.A., M.S., serves as the inaugural Medical Director of the
FAU Medicine Resident Clinic and Associate Professor of Integrated Medical Sciences In
the Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine. Dr. Haire has extensive clinical experience
as an Internist and nephrologist in private practice in Fort Walton Beach Florida and
developed the Watson Clinic Kidney Center as well as served as a Medical Director of
multiple entities. These included Medial Director of Advanced Home Health, Watson
Clinic Kidney Center, Senior Health Care Center, Dialysis Services of Florida, Renal Care
Group and NW Florida Humana Health Insurance. He has had extensive experience
in multiple health care systems, including Kaiser Permanente, FoundCare, Community
Health Center, Redington Medical Primary Care, Charis Health Center, and was the
owner of Nephrology Associates of NW Florida. He has held many positions including
Chief of Staff and Chief of Medicine at Fort Walton Beach Medical Center and currently
is the Chairman of the Education Council for the Palm Beach County Medical Society
and on the Board of Directors. He is an active member in multiple national societies
and is a Fellow of the American College of Medicine and is a member of the American
Medical Association Florida Medical Association, American Society of Nephrology, and
emeritus member of the Florida Society of Nephrology.
hhaire@health.fau.eduHenry M Haire
Florida Atlantic University, USA
Hospital follow-up at a resident primary care clinic decreases readmission rates