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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 8
March 26-27, 2018 | Orlando, USA
World Summit on
Healthcare & Hospital Management
International Conference & Exhibition on
Biologics and Biosimilars
Radwan Ahmed
PIONEERA HealthCare Group, Egypt & Herriot Watt University, UK
Biosimilars marketing strategies: Insight into the future of potential
growth and key challenges
hat does experience in the Eu and US so far can tell us
about the opportunities and challenges in Biosimilars?
While Biosimilars’ growth potential looks extremely attractive,
winning is not as simple as it might look at the first sight.
Biosimilars hold a great potential for stakeholders. The
opportunities are estimated at approximately $100 billion of
biologics to lose patent protection in the Eu and US over the
next few years. Although the European experience to date is
reasonably good, additional challenges to the new launches of
Biosimilars shouldbeconsidered. Companies shouldcrafta clear
marketing strategy and incorporate the lessons learned from
previous successes and failures. Past events in the biosimilar
global market place could provide valuable insights into future
success. In fact, it could provide an interesting reference for the
next waves of Biosimilars.
Speaker Biography
Radwan Ahmed is the Chairman and CEO of PIONEERA Healthcare Group. He is also
an Adjunct Professor of Management at Edinburgh Business School; Herriot Watt
University in the UK. He has over 25 years of experience within the Pharmaceutical
sector, including ethical pharmaceuticals, OTC, generics and strategic management
consultation. His experience was gained at French, German, Japanese, Swiss and
British multinational pharmaceutical companies. He was the Marketing Director of
Novartis, Regional Marketing Director of Otsuka and GSK. He has received his Master
and Doctoral degrees fromMiddlesex University in London. He also holds a first degree
in Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences from Cairo University.