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Journal of Public Health Policy and Planning | Volume: 2

August 27-28, 2018 | London, UK

International Conference on

Healthcare and Health Management

Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

Joint Event



ery often, we confuse emergency care with healthcare.

Healthcare simply means taking care of our health and

healthcare management means managing our health with

responsible decisions via lifestyle changes that promote good

health and a reduced risk of lifestyle diseases. However, in

modern terminology, the termhealth care is often confused with

doctors and hospitals who are trained to save our lives when

we reach a situation of a health emergency like an accident, an

unexpected incident like a heart attack, sudden onslaught of

genetic cancers, autoimmune diseases or any infectious diseases.

Most of our healthcare emergencies related to lifestyle diseases

canbe avoided via a healthcaremanagement systemthat focuses

on preventive healthcare, and reduces the burden on the patient

and thedoctor. Hence, weneed to stepback andunderstandhow

we can institute a system to push patients to become responsible

for their own bodies and minds and depend less and less on

invasive medicine, thus reducing the pressure of hospitalisation

and the load on insurance companies for claims relating to

lifestyle issues that can be avoided in the first place. Which are

the diseases that we can manage and reduce the burden of via

educating patients? Listed below are some with research data:

Type 2 Diabetes:

As per 2013, 3.2 million in the UK were

diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, 65 million in India, 110 million

in China and 84 million in USA. However, as per a 2017 research

by Yale University a low calorie diet can rapidly reverse type

2 diabetes in animal models. And a University of New Castle

2016 research showed that people who reversed their type 2

diabetes,managed tokeep it reversed for 10 years after reversal.

This reduces burden on diabatologists, hospitals and doctors

not just for diabetes management, but protects patients against

complications like glaucoma, gangrene and kidney failure.

Cardiovascular disease (CVD):

CVD Is the number 1 cause of

deaths globally as perWHOdata. In theUK alone, over 1.6million

men and over 1 million women are living with CHD. Overall

CVD is estimated tocost the UK economy 19 billion - 46% direct

healthcare costs, 34% productivity losses and 20% to informal

care of peoplewith CVD. However, as per a study published in Los

Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical

Center (LA BioMed) in 2016, even small changes like eating aged

garlic can decrease the risk of CVD by reducing the accumulation

of certain types of plaque in the arteries. Dr Dean Ornish has

built an entire practice covered by the biggest health insurance

companies to prove that we do not need medical intervention

to reverse heart disease, only lifestyle changes. For both the

above, I will be discussing solutions to educate management of

patients diagnosed with the above diseases so that emergencies

and medical overload for both diseases is reduces, as is the

financial burden on the countries funding these healthcare costs.

Speaker Biography

Rachna Chhachhi is a certified Nutritional Therapist, Holistic Cancer Coach and WHO

Certified in Malnutrition for Infants & Children. She herself suffered from rheumatoid

arthritis, an incurable autoimmune condition, which left her bed ridden 12 years

ago with deformities, when she was heading business development for a Fortune 50

multinational company. She took a break from her corporate career to heal herself, and

then got certified to begin her life to help people. She practices across 21 countries

to help prevent, manage and reverse lifestyle diseases, cancer and autoimmune

conditions. She uses balanced nutrition, oxygenation, functional training, yoga and

meditation as her mainline treatment with success in clinically reversing conditions.

She has a health column with BusinessWorld magazine and is the author of the book

RESTORE and is working on a book on Cancer this year with a well known publishing

house. She has conducted over 500 health awareness workshops and sessions for

organisations like Google, GE, Marico, Nomura, Accenture, Honeywell, Dunnhumby,

Aon Hewitt, Aon Consulting, Cargill etc and for groups for doctors, communities

for a cause and cancer associations.She has been writing on health and wellness

for 20 years. She has had health columns with Business Today, Outlook Business

Magazine and TOI blogs. She has earlier worked with GE Consumer Finance, India

Today, Business Today and PPC Worldwide, a United Healthcare group company.


Rachna Chhachhi

Oxford College, UK

Differentiating between preventive healthcare and emergency healthcare in

Healthcare & Disease Management