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Journal of Public Health Policy and Planning | Volume: 2

August 27-28, 2018 | London, UK

International Conference on

Healthcare and Health Management

Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

Joint Event



he heart is the first organ that forms and functions during

embryonic development and is one of the organs most

closely related to human health. In the early 1990’s, the author

was the first to demonstrate that canonical Wnt signaling

controls the embryonic heart development using fruit fly

model, and thus the signaling was introduced into the cardiac

development field. Our finding was further proved by other

studies with vertebrate models such as Xenopus, zebrafish

and mice. Nowadays, Wnt signaling has become one of the

most important signaling pathways in the cardiac development

field. However, it was found that studies with different animal

models and even in the same animal model can lead to

opposed findings. For example, the author demonstrated that

canonical Wnt signaling promotes cardiac development in

Drosophila, while the others showed that it inhibits the heart

development in vertebrate. The two contradictory conclusions

about the role of canonical Wnt signaling in the regulation of

heart development were not solved until 2007. However, in the

same year, it emerged as a new paradox that canonical Wnt

signaling activates or inhibits cellular aging. We performed a

genomic screen with Drosophila P- and chemical mutagenesis

and obtained several candidates such as pygo (pygopus), Nulp1

(the nuclear localized protein-1) and SMRHD (super master

regulator of heart development). Pygo is a new member of

canonical Wnt signaling, but unexpectedly, its role in adult heart

aging is independent of canonical Wnt signaling. We reported

that Nulp1 may act as a novel bHLH transcriptional factor to

mediate cellular functions. Our recent findings revealed a new

in vivo function of Nulp1 to act as a positive cofactor in canonical

Wnt signaling. Unexpectedly, the role of SMRHD is likely to act

as a negative switch in canonical Wnt signaling expression. Here

our studies on the candidates of the canonical Wnt signaling for

cardiac development and aging will be discussed based on our

recent findings.

Speaker Biography

Xiushan Wu completed his PhD from Stockholm University in 1986-1990, postdoctoral

studies from Michegan University and etc in 1990-1994 and Scientist in Karolinska

Institute in 1994-2000. He is the Director and Professor of The Center for Heart

Development, Hunan Normal University. His research focuses on understanding the

mechanisms by which embryonic heart is developed using Drosophila, zebrafish and

mice as models. He has published more than 350 papers including over 110 SCI papers.


Xiushan Wu

College of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University, China

Novel members of the Wnt/β-Catenin pathway in heart development and aging