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Journal of Public Health Policy and Planning | Volume: 2
August 27-28, 2018 | London, UK
International Conference on
Healthcare and Health Management
Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
Joint Event
Tube-Evac is an award-winning device that makes
patient outcomes. The Tube-Evac device was inventedwhenmy
wife Linda had surgery in January 2008 and came home with
drains. We were both terrible at clearing the drains and we had
conflicting ways we were told for clearing the drains. As a result
of this really awful experience I set about to make something
thatwouldbebeneficial tothose followingafterus sotheywould
not go through the same awful experience we did ever again.
Methods and Outcomes
: The first try was to weld some bolts
on to a pair of water pump pliers, add some rollers and restrictor
plates then bingo I had a working model. Quite crude but it
worked. The next step was to reduce the size – a lot – and make
it out of plastic. We met with Plastic Concepts in Jacksonville,
Florida and they introduced us to a prototype builder. We
worked with him until we had a device almost exactly the size it
is today – a little over 1 inchwidthby 2 inches lengthwith a set of
rollers in it. The prototype had no hinges because it was layered
1/1000 inch at a time with very hard plastic so hinges were not
possible. It was simply two halves that were laid one on each
side of the drain and then rolled down the drain. It was crude
but worked perfectly. The next stepwas tomake a stainless steel
die which we could use to do the plastic injection molding. This
was very expensive and took over two months to make the die.
However this one cavity die worked great and we could make
Tube-Evac devices. A few years later we made a 4 cavity die.
We now had the capacity to make 4,000,000 TubeEvac devices
per year. Mayo Clinic tested 500 of the Tube-Evac devices in
2009 and loved them. They were our first customer and still are.
Speaker Biography
Vance Shaffer, an experienced President with a demonstrated history of working in the
medical device industry. He is having strong business development professional skilled in
Customer Service, Medical Devices, Entrepreneurship, Strategic Planning, and Business
Development. He was the inventor of Tube-Evac. Quick, easy, and safe! Give your patients
and their caregivers the peace of mind they deserve after surgery. Tube-Evac is an award
winning device that makes stripping surgical drainage tubes fast and easy, allowing for
better patient outcomes. He studied Computer Science and Mathematics at University
of Cincinnati and worked at various companies in data base and various commercial
enterprises. In last 20 years, he was working with Cray Research and IBM Research where
he taught PhD’s, Post Docs, and Professors how to optimize computer programs to run
on High Performance Computer systems with hundreds or thousands of computers.
These codes were for molecular modeling, environmental modeling, stellar modeling,
radioactive conversion to inert glass, optimization of materials management, keeping track
of materials, and many other codes.
vance@tubeevac.comVance Shaffer
Tube-Evac device is the new standard of care for surgical drains