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April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
International Conference on
Green Energy & Technology
Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation | Volume 3
ISSN: 2529-8046
Production and potentials of Biomass residues and wastes for energy and materials
Ashraf Abdelrahim
, Simona Di Fraia
, Nicola Massarotti
Laura Vanoli
University of Naples Parthenope, Italy,
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy
he increase in global population, coupled
with economic development, had led to rapid
urbanization and industrialization, which changed
the consumption pattern of the population that
ultimately led to the increment in demand for
energy and associated services. Biomass residues
and wastes are potentially major contributors of
resources for energy and material production.
Bioenergy can be produced from a variety of
biomass feed stocks, including forest, agricultural
and livestock residues; energy crops; the organic
component of municipal waste; and other organic
waste streams. This paper presents regional and
global review of potential energy production
from biomass residues and wastes, considering
the amount of residues and wastes from major
sources as well as pretreatment and conversion
technologies. Four types of biomass energy
sources are included: agricultural and forestry
residues, animal residues and urban wastes.
The potential biomass resource quantity was
computed according to statistical reports and
literature review. In Italy country, residues from
agricultural and forest, as well as urban wastes
represent a large biomass potential. However,
assessment of the national biomass availability
is made difficult not only by the current lack of
reliable official data, but also by a conceptual
point: whether "available" is the total availability
of biomass in the territory (potential availability),
or whether it is the availability which is technically
and economically viable.
Speaker Biography
Ashraf Abdelrahim is a doctoral student on Energy Science and
Engineering program at University of Naples Parthenope. He majored
in Mechanical Engineering at University of Khartoum, Sudan, and
received MSc in Energy Engineering from the University of Khartoum
in 2012. His research interests include energy management, simulation
and modelling, energy consumption and planning and transition to
sustainable energy systems, as well as energy efficient buildings and
industry. He is involved in Parthenope's Laboratory of Thermo-fluid
dynamics, Energy, and HVAC systems (LaTEC), an environment for
experimental research in the above-mentioned areas. His doctoral
study has been funded by National Research Council (CNR), the largest
research council in Italy.
ashraf.abdelkhalig@uniparthenope.itAshraf Abdelrahim et al., Environ Risk Assess Remediat, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2529-8046-C1-002