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April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
International Conference on
Green Energy & Technology
Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation | Volume 3
ISSN: 2529-8046
Major sources of Green Energy is the important tool for the reduction of global
poverty and hunger in the developing countries of the world like South Asia
Muhammad Usman
Former Director General of Agricultural Research System, Pakistan
he aims of presentation consist of green energy,
global poverty and hunger were study in order
to find out the most cheapest and economical
sources of green energy for poverty alleviation in
South Asia like Pakistan. Green energy is also called
renewable energy or sustainable energy, comes
from natural sources like wind, water, sunlight,
rains, tides, plants, algae and geothermal heat.
South Asia comprises the countries of Pakistan,
Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, and
Sri-Lanka. South Asia is about one fifth of the
world’s population, which is considered as the
most densely populated region in the world. As per
study, the resources in South Asia are limited and
the population increases from time to time. The
second problem in South Asia is the concentration
of non-renewable energy, which are very costly
although a great potential of green energy like
biomass, biofuels, hydropower, solar, landfill gas,
wind and geothermal are available in difference
countries of the world like South Asia. Similarly
many countries in the world are striving to utilize
green energy in an efficient way to replace the cost
of furnace oil, gas and other costly fuel used for
non-renewable energy. The study further showed
that about 1.4 billion peoples are lack of electricity
in the world population of 7 billion and nearly
one billion peoples go to bed hungry each night
particularly in the developing countries like South
Asia, as per report recorded by the World Bank. It
was concluded from the study that green energy
should be commercialized to reduced energy
crises, increase income, employment, create
more jobs, stranger economy as well as to reduce
poverty in South Asia like Pakistan.
Speaker Biography
Muhammad Usman, Former Director General of Agricultural Research
System, Government of Pakistan who retired from service after a
spotless career of about 35 years with senior level experience on
research and development of integrated agricultural production,
industries green energy and bioenergy on a sustainable way. He is
basically an agricultural scientist with specialization of agricultural,
food and biochemistry working on the yield and quality of various
products and published several research papers. He is considered
as the senior most scientists in the world, always participated in the
international conferences as a keynote speech, renowned speaker,
organizing committee member as well as moderator of the conferences
around the world. He established “Prominent Agro Based Industries,
Agro Based Industries and Consultancy SDN BHD” in Malaysia and
“Foundation for Rural Development in Pakistan”, with primarily aims to
work on integrated agricultural project for Rural Development through
improvement in agriculture and consultancy services to the formers at
usmankhan1949@yahoo.comMuhammad Usman, Environ Risk Assess Remediat, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2529-8046-C1-002