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April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
International Conference on
Green Energy & Technology
Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation | Volume 3
ISSN: 2529-8046
Performance and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine fueled with waste
vegetable oils
Abdullah Ali Abuhabaya
Fengshou Gu
King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
hepresent studyaims to investigate the impacts of
biodiesel blend ratio on biodiesel’s performance,
were conducted using JCB 444 TCA 74kW engine for
neat biodiesel B100 and its blend fuels with B5, B10,
B15,B20, B30 and B40 of biodiesel at different engine
speeds and loads conditions without exhaust gas
recirculation. The indicated engine power and torque
using biodiesel were found to be lower than that of
using diesel fuel for all of tested loads. The decreased
of engine power and torque with biodiesel can be
attributed to the lower calorific value of biodiesel. An
obvious decrease in carbon monoxide (CO) and total
hydrocarbon (THC) emissions was attained with the
additionof biodiesel.Moreover, emissions of nitrogen
oxides (NOx) were simultaneously reduced compared
with using standard diesel fuel at low tomiddle loads.
Finally, the strategy with biodiesel blends showed
better combustion, emission characteristics as well
as economy performance among all the fuels. For the
efficient use of biodiesel blend fuels, it is suggested
that the blend ratio should be carefully selected
based on the engine operating conditions.
Speaker Biography
Abdullah Ali Abuhabaya has graduated from Um-Alqura University
with Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2002, and the
University of Huddersfield in UK with Master of Science in automotive
system design and analysis and then PhD in Mechanical Engineering in
2012. His research interests are in Biofuels, Engine performance and
exhaust gas emission analysis, also in design and analysis of machines.
He participated in a number of International conferences and workshops
in UK, China, Turkey and Cyprus and published a lot of work papers in
alternative fuels for internal combustion engines.
aabuhabaya@kau.edu.saAbdullah Ali Abuhabaya et al., Environ Risk Assess Remediat, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2529-8046-C1-002