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April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
International Conference on
Green Energy & Technology
Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation | Volume 3
ISSN: 2529-8046
Optimal economic dispatch in Microgrids with Renewable Energy sources
F Daniel Santillan Lemus
Polytechnic University of Tulancingo, Mexico
urrently, the opening of the energy sector
yields a new form of competition and
changes of paradigms in the pattern of electricity
generation. Then, distributed generation has
attracted a great interest for energy contribution
in the whole generation of electric power. Today,
the concept of microgrids emerges as a natural
alternative to the conventional electric power
systems, where big synchronous generators in
remote sites could be accompanied with smaller
generators and shorter transmission lines near
to the loads, which provide an effective and
sustainable alternative for the integral use
of renewable energies. Generation units in
microgrids can be conventional generators in the
case of thermal generators or diesel engines, in
the same way, Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
can be included as wind turbines, photovoltaic
systems, fuel cells or Battery Energy Storage
Systems (BESS). These new technologies offer a
feasible electric power system, but its operation
is conditioned to consider the particularities and
nature of each generation system, combined to
the stochastic profile of the primary energy.
It is very important to consider in RES projects
that their operation is subject to randomness
and interruptions, which makes difficult to
find the best dynamic solution in an economic
dispatch problem. Thus, the energy management
in microgrids seeks to optimize some desired
objective function, that defines the cost behavior,
reliability and efficiency of the system, as well as
the determination of the optimal energy dispatch
(economic dispatch), within physical restrictions
of conventional and emerge generation systems.
Thereby, RES and BESS could meet with complex
tasks of interconnection to large power systems,
or as a technical alternative to the management of
excess/deficiency of generated energy in smaller
grids, considering the load variations.
fdanielsale@hotmail.comEnviron Risk Assess Remediat, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2529-8046-C1-003