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April 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland
International Conference on
Green Energy & Technology
Environmental Risk Assessment and Remediation | Volume 3
ISSN: 2529-8046
Modeling energy efficiency within industry using the IntERACT model
Kristoffer S Andersen
, Steffen Dockweiler
Henrik Klinge Jacobsen
Danish Energy Agency, Denmark
Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
he revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive
in November 2018 has reaffirmed the
focus on energy efficiency policies within EU.
However, from a modelling point of view, energy
efficiency often appears like an elusive nexus:
Where technical savings potential meets market
barriers; where fuel cost savings meet demand
rebound; and where policy scenarios meets
spurious baselines. Nonetheless, the curious task
of energy system modelers is to provide insights
regarding how to prioritize energy efficiency
policies, and what set of policy instruments has
the best chance of meeting policy targets. This
presentation demonstrates how a state-of-the-
art hybrid model (the Danish IntERACT model)
provides clarity regarding the interactions within
the energy efficiency nexus. In particular, the
interaction between the energy system and the
wider macro economy. In essence, IntERACT
ensures clarity by using a technical energy system
model to capture the technical effect, i.e. the
choice of end-use technologies and their effect
on energy service prices and investments flows.
Whereas a general equilibrium model determines
activity and price affects associated with changes
in energy service prices and investment flows.
The presentation demonstrate how keeping track
of the activity, price and technological effects,
allows IntERACT to provide a unique degree of
consistency in assessing the additionality (in terms
reduction in final energy demand) associated with
an energy efficiency policy.
ksa@ens.dkEnviron Risk Assess Remediat, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4066/2529-8046-C1-003