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Nov 15-16, 2018 | Paris, France

Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders

International Conference on

Journal of Gastroenterology and Digestive Diseases | Volume 3

Why campaign against Colorectal Cancer?

Luc Colemont

Stop Darmkanker Foundation, Belgium


lthough we are living in an information society, too many

people today are dying from colorectal cancer due to lack

of information. This is unacceptable! Screening and prevention

are important, diagnosis and treatment are crucial, but

information and education should be the first steps in the fight

against colorectal cancer. We cannot accept any longer that this

silent killer claims lives of 580 Europeans every day. That’s the

equivalent of two airplane crashes, every day, week in week

out, year in year out. It’s not because of a lack of scientific data,

it’s not because of a lack of financial sources, but it’s purely due

to absence of societal commitment. How should we explain to

families who lost their loved ones due to colorectal cancer that

we knew the problem for many years, we knew the solution

for many years, but that bureaucracy is more difficult to treat

and beat than colorectal cancer. There can be no more excuses

not to undertake action for a disease that could be prevented.

You don’t need an army of doctors to kill colorectal cancer,

a simple 10 euros FIT-test will do the job just fine. During my

career of almost 30 years as gastroenterologist I have seen far

too many cases of colorectal cancer. My biggest frustration was

that it always came as such a shock to these people. “Why me?

How is that possible? I have a healthy lifestyle!, I had a blood

test only recently!” They knew nothing about colorectal cancer.

“By sharing knowledge, you can save lives” It should not stop

at an empty slogan. In late 2015 I decided to leave the hospital

and change career. A move from the “operating room” to the

“auditorium” to quote the national press. I became CEO of

my own foundation and with a very small team we organize

actions and campaigns the whole year around. We tour with

our giant colon. Social media are an important weapon in our

daily fight against colon cancer. Since my career switch I gave

350 keynotes all over the country, with one goal: stop colorectal

cancer. “The best campaign is the one that is done, not the one

that is discussed for many years!”
