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Nov 15-16, 2018 | Paris, France

Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders

International Conference on

Journal of Gastroenterology and Digestive Diseases | Volume 3

Role of splenic Elastography in predicting severity of Esophageal varices

Rajul Rastogi

Tee thanker Mahaveer Medical College and Research Center, India


lastography is a non-invasive imaging technique used to

evaluate stiffness / elasticity of human tissues. It can be

performedbyultrasonographyormagnetic resonance imaging.

Ultrasoundelastography (US-E) hasgainedmoreacceptancedue


time relative of magnetic resonance elastography (MR-E). For

long US-E has been in use for determining the severity of liver

diseaseandpredicting its prognosis. Recently, there is agrowing

interest towards assessment of spleen stiffness / elastography,

considering the pivotal role of spleen in splanchnic circulation

during the evolution of liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension &

esophageal varices. US-E using acoustic radiation force impulse

(ARFI) techniqueallows thequantitative / objectiveassessment

of spleen stiffness. Hence, apilot study is conducted toevaluate

the role of splenic elastography in predicting the occurrence &

gradingof esophageal varices. SpleenstiffnessmeasuredbyARFI

elastography is a reliablepredictorof esophageal varices andcan

beusedas anoninvasivemeans for predicting thepresenceand

grade of esophageal varices.
