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Ophthalmol Case Rep 2017 Volume 1 Issue 1
August 21-23, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
International Conference on
The professional practice of the author for over
10 years in the study, analysis, measurement and calculation
of contact lenses for different corneal ecstasies; Has carried
out an effective, agile and safe treatment guide or protocol
for the optometric and contactlogical management of
Provide visual health professionals specifically
with advanced contact lenses, a practical guide to successfully
adapting and formulating contact lenses for different corneal
Results And Conclusions:
The increasing demand of patients
diagnosed with keratoconus, the diagnostic advances
and a number of therapeutic alternatives offered by the
current contactology. They cannot be far from an effective,
accurate and conclusive clinical treatment. This guide from
the complex to the practical will lead the professional in
visual health to have sufficient capacity to determine the
therapeutic plan in each case and general thus provide the
possibility for the ectasic patient to enjoy the true sensation
of seeing well, clear and accurate.
Speaker Biography
Hector Hugo Paez Villa. From Colombia. . Professional in Optometry of the University
of Salle Bogota. With Diploma in Primary Eye Care of the Andean Area University
Foundation Medellin. I have just received my degree of Specialist in Previous Segment
and Contact Lenses at Universidad Santo Tomas Bucaramanga. I am a member of the
College of Optometry at the Colombian Federation of Optometrists Col FEDOPTO
Medellin. Member of The Vision Care Institute Bogota, of the Brazilian Institute for
Training and Research in Contact Lenses and the Scleral Lens Education Society.
I practice my professional practice in the area of advanced contactology in the city of
Medellín and I am the founder of the Latin American group; Let’s talk about Contact
contactovissual@gmail.comProposed practical guide for the treatment of keratoconus
Hector Hugo Paez Villa
Santo Tomas University, Colombia