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Ophthalmol Case Rep 2017 Volume 1 Issue 1

August 21-23, 2017 | Toronto, Canada




International Conference on


2-year-old patient with intense bilateral ocular pruritus

for more than 6 months sought medical assistance,

where the examination revealed a bilateral ¾ cataract

and a ciliary infestation of



, concluding the

Phthiriasis palpebrarum diagnosis. Phthiriasis is a disease

caused by an infestation of the ectoparasite



on the genital region, frequently appearing on adults with

bad hygienic habits and sexual contacts, caused by a genital-

facial transmission of the aforementioned insect. However,

the disease is a rare occurrence of blepharitis in adults,

diagnosed by the Dermatologist. Furthermore, the disease

is most common on eyebrows and eyelashes, and the most

frequent way of transmission is mother-child. The diagnosis

if this disease is done by the visualization of the louse,

distinguished from the

Pediculus humanus corporis

by its

larger abdomen, as well as stronger second and third pairs of

legs. The patient was treated with REVECTINA® (Ivermectin 6

mg) Oral, 2 pills in a single dose followed by the resolution of

the symptoms, and after the return of the patient aweek later,

it was observed by the exam the absence of ectoparasites

and the presence of empty cocoons. The manual extraction

of the cocoons was carried out afterwards. On the return of

the patient two weeks later, symptoms did not occur and

new ectoparasites or cocoons were not observed. After the

resolution of the Phthiriasis palpebrarum, the patient was

sent to facetectomy.

Speaker Biography

José G Carneiro is an Ophthalmologist Medical Doctor graduated from the Federal

University of Ceará, entitled specialist by the Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology

and by the Brazilian Medical Association. He currently works on the fields of external

diseases, contact lens, ocular prosthesis and glaucoma treatment.


Phthiriasis palpebrarum: A case report

José G Carneiro

Unichristus University, Brazil