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Ophthalmol Case Rep 2017 Volume 1 Issue 1
August 21-23, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
International Conference on
his study aims to estimate the prevalence of refractive
error and visual impairment, and the use of corrective
spectacles among primary school children in Onitsha North
and South Local Government areas, Anambra State, Nigeria.
The refractive error study in children (RESC) protocol
developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) will be
used to determine the prevalence of refractive error and
visual impairment in primary school children in Onitsha
Anambra State, Nigeria. This study will also determine
the use of corrective spectacles in this group by using a
questionnaire. The findings from this study will serve as a
baseline data to plan, implement and monitor refractive
error amelioration project and in subsequent evaluation of
refractive error programs in Anambra state, Nigeria.
Speaker Biography
Ezinne Ngozika Esther is a Nigerian. Studied optometry at Abia State University Uturu
Nigeria and obtained the Doctor of Optometry Degree in 2006. She is very Passionate
about Optometry Profession and has worked with Orbis International and Brien
Holden vision Institute. She is interested in Pediatric optometry and Low vision. She
has worked as a lecturer at the University of Gondar Ethiopia, Mzuzu University Malawi
and Madonna University Nigeria. Currently, she is a postgraduate student of University
of Kwa Zulu -Natal Durban South Africa. She has eight Research Publications, has 5
siblings and likes reading, watching television and listening to music.
ezinne.ngozi@gmail.comRefractive errors, visual impairment and utilization of spectacles among primary school children in
Onitsha, Anambra State, Nigeria
Ezinne Ngozika Esther
Madonna University Nigeria