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Ophthalmol Case Rep 2017 Volume 1 Issue 1
August 21-23, 2017 | Toronto, Canada
International Conference on
ifty-one year-old-patient undergone two times corneal
transplant in right eye, first corneal transplant in 1999 and
second one in 2010, but the patient did not get the vision.
After a year there was considerable deformation in the
corneal tissue and the cornea became totally leukomatous,
deformed and irregular, and the eyeball descending to lower
eyelid (keratoglobe). I met the patient with Ophthalmologist
diagnosis of eyeball evisceration. Thus the patient was with
deep depression. Due to the irregular and deformed cornea
neither an ocular prosthesis nor soft prosthetic lens could
be adapted. So, I tried with a scleral lens. In the first test
the general condition of her irregular cornea improved
considerably, permitting a good tear film flow between the
cornea and the lens. I checked again her cornea and therewas
neither vision nor light reflection. I consulted the Director
of Scleral lenses for Perfect Vision in Chile and suggested
using a double flap over the lens. Thus the landing in the
sclera was improved and was not ejected. I adapted a scleral
lens X-cell Atlantis, base curve 7.50, diameter 17.5 double
flap. I placed a soft lens painted with black pupil and then a
second scleral lens with the same parameters, with perfect
adhesion. The patient felt very comfortable, with improved
quality of life, could insert herself at work again and now her
life has completely changed for the better.
Speaker Biography
Sergio Ozan is serving as an Optician at the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He
is a Specialist in contact lenses, Specialist and Manufacturer of ocular prosthesis and
Scientific Adviser for ocular prosthesis in APO (Asociación Profesional de Optómetras
in Argentina). He is a Precursor and Creator of multiperforated orbital implant, JUMAT,
Precursor and Creator of expander orbit asmotic hydrogel filling for microophthalmia,
Director of CEPROC, Director of Ocular Prosthesis Division in Perfect Vision, Santiago,
Chile, Developer of one-hour customized ocular prosthesis method, unique in
Latinamerica and Precursor and Creator of the first prosthetic scleral lens.
ceproc@ceproc.com.arSergio Ozan
CEPROC, Argentina
Scleral prosthetic lenses