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Journal of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
Volume 1, Issue 1
Euro Physiotherapy 2017
Page 49
December 07-08, 2017 Rome, Italy
Euro-Global Physiotherapy Congress 2017
A context-aware, multimedia, multi-modal,
and language independent big data-based
dyslexia screening framework with auto-
grading capability
Elham Hassanain
Madinah Al Munawwarah
University of Prince Mugrin, Saudi Arabia
n this talk, we will present a tablet-based big data
multimedia environment, which uses text, audio, video,
and gaze movement to detect a set of symptoms of having
dyslexia. Multi-modal, language-independent screening
test modules have been developed, which gives indications
of further dyslexia diagnosis necessity. The multimedia
retrieval framework is envisioned to accelerate and ease
the process of testing dyslexia at the global level, and to
identify and auto assess potential dyslexic patterns and
to accumulate huge collection of multimedia test data for
in-depth clinical dyslexia pattern analysis.
Elham Hassanain is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Forensic
Computing and Cyber Security, University of Prince Muqrin (UPM), Madinah
Al Munawwarah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. She served as the Vice Dean of
College of Computer and Information Systems at Umm Al-Qura University.
She also served as a Member of Saudi Parliament for duration of four years.
Currently she is the Deputy Rector for Academic Affairs of University of Prince
Mugrin. Her research interests include e-Health, cloud and multimedia for
healthcare, IoT, and smart city. She has publications in refereed IEEE/ACM
journals and conferences. Recently, she has been awarded 1 US patent on
vision therapy. She has served as a Member of the organizing and technical
committees of several workshops.
e.hassanain@upm.edu.saElham Hassanain et al., J Phys Ther Sports Med 2017