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Journal of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine

Volume 1, Issue 1

December 07-08, 2017 Rome, Italy



Euro-Global Physiotherapy Congress 2017

Euro Physiotherapy 2017

Effects of an educational program for self-

management, on functional independence

of adolescents with spina bifida


: The number of children with spina bifida

(SB) who survived reaching adulthood increased

significantly and their adolescence transition is a major

concern. The purpose of this study is to develop and

evaluate an educational program that promotes self-

management competencies and facilitate their transition

to adulthood.


: An intervention based on psychoeducational

strategies was embedded within a summer camp

experience (7 Sessions). 56 adolescents with SB,

aged between 10 to 18 years preformed the program

and assess their effect on functional independence,

self-concept and self-esteem. With a before (T1) and

after (T2 and follow-up T3) design, the analysis was

performed using the program IBM SPSS Statistics 20,

ANOVA repeated measures.


: The adolescents made significant gains

on functionality, cognitive and motor domains with

moderate to high effect sizes observed. In the motor

domain, we emphasize the improvement on self-care

and emptying dimension (bowel and bladder).


: The program had greatest impact in the

motor domain of the functionality (self-care, elimination,

transfers), which remains six months later. This program

produces better effects on young people aged between

10 and 12 years without previous experience on camps,

regardless the gender, level of injury, presence of

hydrocephalus or the type of auxiliary gait devices they

use. In general, the results support that the experience

improves the self-management competences and the

functionality of youth with SB and, suggest that the

program was highly effective.


Maria Isabel Dias daCostaMalheiro is anAssistant Professor at theNursingCollege

of Lisbon, Child and Adolescent Department. She has completed her Doctorate in

Nursing at the Lisbon University, Master’s in Special Education, Faculty of Human

Motricity and Graduate Nurse, Specialist in Child and Pediatric Health Nursing.

She has started to work in the hospital since 1988, Neonatology, Pediatrics, Child

Development Center. She was the Member of the Spina Bifida Center at Garcia

de Orta Hospital until 2002. Since 2002, she has joined the academic career at

Nursing College of Lisbon as an Assistant Professor. She collaborates with the

Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Portuguese Association since 2002, was Vice-

President from 2005 to 2013. She was the Coordinator of the project training camp

- educational program for self-management on adolescents with spina bifida/spinal

cord injury 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Maria Isabel Dias da Costa Malheiro

Nursing College of Lisbon, Portugal

Maria Isabel Dias da Costa Malheiro, J Phys Ther Sports Med 2017