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Journal of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
Volume 1, Issue 1
December 07-08, 2017 Rome, Italy
Euro-Global Physiotherapy Congress 2017
Euro Physiotherapy 2017
nociception (low frequency currents, including
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or
TENS; lasertherapy); By inhibition of peripheral
senzitization (low and middle frequency currents,
TENS; magnetic field; lasertherapy);
By peripheral
(low frequency currents like
dyadinamic currents, peloids);
By stopping the
neural transmission (by С and Аδ delta - fibers) to
the body of the first neuron of the general sensibility
(iontophoresis with Novocain in the receptive zone
– the region of neuro-terminals);
By input of the
gate-control mechanism
(TENS with frequency
90-130 Hz and interferential currents with high
resulting frequency - 90-150 Hz);
By activation of
the reflectory connections: cutaneous – visceral,
subcutaneous-connective tissue-visceral, proprio-
visceral, periostal-visceral and motor-visceral
(classic manual, connective tissue and periostal
massage, post-isometric relaxation and stretching-
By influence on the pain-translation
in the level of posterior horn of the spinal medulla –
using the root of activation of encephalic blocking
system in the central nervous system
the peripheral afferentation)
and influence on the
descending systems for pain – control
(TENS with
frequency 2-5 Hz and interferential currents with
low resulting frequency 1-5 Hz, acupuncture and
laserpuncture; reflectory and periostal massage,
zonotherapy, acupressure, su-dgok massage;
preformed factors in reflectory zones /palms of
hands, plants of feet, paravertebral points; zones
of Head, of Mackenzie, of Leube-Dicke, of Vogler-
By inhibition of central sensitization
(lasertherapy; peloidotherapy; physiotherapy);
influence on the psychic state of the patient
– the
drug «doctor» and the drug «procedure».
The influence of physical modalities on the interstitium
(‘milieu interieur’ of Claude Bernard)
is the theoretical
base for a
combined pain management programme
We present our own
experience and results
patients with conditions of the nervous and motor
pain, physical analgesia, rehabilitation
Philosophy Doctor - scientific specialty “Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation”; thesis
(2004): ‘Investigation of capacities of some physical modalities in the prevention,
therapy and rehabilitation of diabetic polyneuropathy patients’. Doctor of Medical
Sciences - scientific specialty “Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation”; thesis (2009):
‘Complex neurorehabilitation algorithms for functional recovery and amelioration
of independence in activities of daily living in socially significant invalidating
neurological diseases’. Philosophy Doctor - scientific specialty “Pedagogics”; thesis
(2013, Sofia University): ‘Innovations in the Education in the field of Rehabilitation’.
SCIENTIFICPOSITIONS:Associated Professor (2006); Professor (2010); scientific
specialty “Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation”. HighAttestation Commission at the
Council of Ministers, Bg. She knows French, Spanish, English, Russian language.