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Journal of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
Volume 1, Issue 1
December 07-08, 2017 Rome, Italy
Euro-Global Physiotherapy Congress 2017
Euro Physiotherapy 2017
Syndrome of standing at ease on the right
leg, pathological influence on shank, knee,
hip and spine
: During the research on the so-called
idiopathic scoliosis in years 1984 – 2007/2017 (T Karski
– first lecture in Hungary/Szeged 1995) it was found
that Syndrome of Standing ‘et ease’ on the Right Leg
(SofSRL) play a very important role. Such standing
over years is the causative influence on development
of scoliosis in two etiological groups. It makes also
influence on the anatomy and function of the right hip,
right knee and right shank.
: In the years 1984–2016 we have examined
2550 person with scoliosis and very frequent we found
also problems of the right hips, right knee, shank and
foot. The age of our cohort of these patients was 2 to
88 years.
How to Explain the Habit of Standing ‘At Ease’ on
the Right Leg:
To make clear such manner of standing
we must come back to the Syndrome of Contractures
and Deformities described firstly and precisely by Prof.
Hans May from Tübingen / Germany, next in Lublin (T.
Karski). Among the deformities described by Prof. Mau
as Siebenersyndrom the is also asymmetry of anatomy
and function of pelvis and hips. We found limitation
of adduction movement of the right hip (T Karski,
1995–2007) in examination in straight position of hip
joint. This limited adduction enables easy standing on
the right leg and is deciding the “cumulative time of
standing”. Our observation of patients and long lasting
anamnesis with patients make clear that in the period of
10 years of life – everybody stand (only) 2 or 3 years. In
our long observations (T Karski and J Karski) we found
that children start to stand on the right leg in age of 2
years. Next observation had to confirm such standing
also in persons in age of 50, and 60 and 70 years. So,
the person of the age 70 years has the cumulative time
of standing on the right leg 21 years!
Influence SofSRL on the Spine, Right Hip, Right
Knee, Shank and Foot
: Such standing is the cause of
the so-called idiopathic scoliosis in I-st etiopathological
group (epg) together with walking and is the cause
solely / exclusively in II/A and II/B epg scoliosis group
(T. Karski, 1995 – 2007). Standing on the right leg is
also the cause of arthrosis of the right hip, is the cause
of bigger right side varus deformity of shank and bigger
valgus deformity of knee. Knowledge about SofSRL
enables orthopedic surgeons and rehabilitation doctors
proper and successfully treatment of ill people.
: (1) Syndrome of Standing on the Right
Leg is connected with the Syndrome of Contractures and
Deformities (H. Mau, T. Karski, J. Karski) (2) Permanent
Standing ‘at ease’ on the Right Leg is the cause of
two groups of so-called idiopathic scoliosis in new
classification (T. Karski, 1995 – 2007) (3) Permanent
Tomasz Karski
Vincent Pol University, Poland
Tomasz Karski, J Phys Ther Sports Med 2017