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March 07-08, 2019 | London, UK

Journal of Diabetology | Volume 3

Annual Summit on

Diabetes, Obesity & Heart

Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Syndrome

International Conference on

Joint Event


Challenges and novel applications for biomarkers and new technologies: Positioning diabetes

research in the 4th industrial revolution

Etheresia Pretorius

Stellenbosch University, South Africa


strong correlation exists between type 2 diabetes mellitus

(T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD), with CVD and

the presence of atherosclerosis being the prevailing cause of

morbidity and mortality in diabetic populations. T2DM is joined

by different coagulopathies, including atypical clot development


particles, andbloodplatelets, includingblood cells areespecially

vulnerable, to these dysregulated inflammatory cytokines.

Although T2DM is arguably, the most studied condition, the

prevalence has now reached staggering levels, with a steady

increase also in developing countries. Researchers therefore

need to look at novel technologies and biomarkers to address

the T2DM pandemic. We should therefore actively participate

and use technologies from the 4th industrial revolution, which

is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring

the lines between the digital, physical and biological spheres,

collectively referred to as cyber-physical systems. In this talk, I

will discuss novel biomarkers, as well as point-of-care devices

for early identification of T2DM, the use of bigmachine learning

to find disease, inflection points, leading to the ultimate goal in

T2DM, that of both personalized and precision medicine.
