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March 07-08, 2019 | London, UK

Journal of Diabetology | Volume 3

Annual Summit on

Diabetes, Obesity & Heart

Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Syndrome

International Conference on

Joint Event


Diagnosis and treatment of the postnecrotic phenomenon such as putrefaction and omificafion of the

lower extremities in diabetic patients avoiding amputations

Elias Victor Chammah

University of Buenos Aires, Argentina


he necrotic pathology and postnecrotic phenomenon such

as putrefaction (gangrene) is a serious problem in the world

public health. 75-85% of surgical amputations are caused due

to vascular complications of diabetes. From the patients that

undergo amputatios, only 50% survive the first 3 years. By

studying and classifying the temporal structural conformation

of the necrotic pathology and postnecrotic phenomenons,

using firstly anatomo-clinic macroscopic evidence in vivo, and

then through serial macroscopic images valoration by computer

scanning. It was possible to certify that kinetic progresion of

necrotic phenomenons post-ischemia is not cyclic, regular,

neither uniform. Therefore, once the ischemic focus has

developed, thenecrotic phenomenondoes not affect the totality

of the site at once, as little vascularization in the necrotic region

is mantained for a short time. These regions can be repaired,

and afterwards, revascularization can be carried out, reaching

postnecrotic epidermization and avoiding surgical amputation.

A patient R J Age 86, diabetic patient type II. Necrotic pathology

of mixed types 1 and 3 in calcaneous region of the left foot.

Recent necrotic tissue, infiltrated with a bacterial infectious


phenomenon around necrotic tissue can be observed. The end

result after applying the surgical intranecrotic windows and total

necrosectomy techniques, amputation was avoided.


Necrotic pathology can not be studied through

histopathology because it causes the destruction of vital

tissues. In order to perform a non-invasive surgical procedure,

it is necessary to recognize exactly the temporal structural

conformation of the necrotic pathology and its topography.

Otherwise an invasive procedure can cause complications. The

serial macroscopic images valoration by computer scanning

method, has proved to be fitting for the observation of

important temporal structural modifications of the necrotic

pathology and postnecrotic phenomenons and it allows to

carry out Intranecrotic non-invasive interventions.
