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Nov 22-23, 2018 | Paris, France

Joint Event

Nutrition and Health



International Conference on



International Conference on

Diabetes and Endocrinology


Journal of Insights in Nutrition and Metabolism | Volume 2

Ilona Kasza

Tucker Health, Singapore

Diabetes: Learning from the past


he global prevalence of diabetes mellitus has doubled in

the past few decades. Today 9% of the adult population

is suffering from this disease (approximately 90% of whom

have type 2 diabetes mellitus). This number is estimated to

increase in the next decades. Moreover, it has been shown

that almost 50% of diabetics are un diagnosed, hence the real

prevalence of this chronic condition is extremely high. This

current global epidemic is mainly driven by environmental

factors (unhealthy diet and physical inactivity) and is

associated with the spread of obesity worldwide. Lifestyle

modifications and health promoting patient education

are therefore crucial in the prevention and treatment of

diabetes. Dietary interventions should focus on weight loss,

consequently enhancing insulin sensitivity, and preventing

or reversing micro vascular complications. Historical

literature from colonial physicians abounds in reports

regarding the appearance of obesity and the increase in the

number of people diagnosed with chronic diseases among

isolated populations after they were exposed to the “foods

of the West”. Traditional dietary habits were replaced by

the excessive consumption “modern” food items. Scientific

evidence from decades of nutritional research relates the

importance of reducing these new components in our diet

to prevent obesity and its complications. Modern dietary

factors do not resemble the lifestyle of traditional societies.

What kind of traditional dietary habits can we adopt to stop

or slow down this global pandemic?.

Speaker Biography

Ilona Kasza has been working for Tucker Health (Singapore) as a nutrition coach since 2014.

She has been helping patients understand metabolism, lead a healthy lifestyle, prevent

chronic diseases and educate them on ways to lose fat while preserving muscle mass.

She has extensive experience working with people suffering from a variety of conditions

including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity. She completed a certification program in

nutrition from the United Kingdom.
