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J Nutr Hum Health 2017 Volume 1 Issue 2
July 24-26, 2017 | Vancouver, Canada
International conference on
he aim of this study was to investigate the effect of
leaf-based diet on oral glucose tolerance and
total lipid profile of type 2 diabetic rats. To induce type 2
diabetes mellitus experimental animals apart from animals
in the positive control (PC) group were administered orally
with 10% fructose solution ad libitum for 2 weeks and PC
received distilled water. After 2 weeks administration of
fructose solution, animals were fasted overnight and each
of the fructose-fed animals were injected intraperitoneally
with a low dose streptozotocin (40 mg/kg body weight).
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was done by loading the
animals with 2 g/kg body weight of glucose. Following the
oral glucose load, blood was obtained at 0, 30, 60, 90 and
120 minutes from the tail vein of the rat and analysed for
glucose using a glucometer. The procedure was done on day 1
before treatment and day 13 of the experiment. Cholesterol,
Triglycerides, High and Low Density Lipoproteins were
assayed for using commercial kits. The result of OGTT before
treatment showed increase in blood glucose concentration
after 30 mins of glucose load. Two hours later, glucose
concentration for all the diabetic animals was not restored
back to the basal glucose concentration. By the 13th day of
treatment result showed that glucose concentration of all the
diabetic animals treated returned back to the basal glucose
concentration after 2 hours of the glucose load. Result of
the total lipid profile showed that upon treatment with F.
exasperata leaf-based diet, there was a significant (p <0.05)
decrease in the concentration of cholesterol, Triglycerides
and low density lipoprotein and a significant increase
(p<0.05) in HDL concentration. In conclusion, incorporation
of 30, 40 and 50 % F. exasperata leaf into diet, consumed
for 16 days improved glucose tolerance and total lipid profile
compared to positive control.
adejillian234@yahoo.comImprovement of glucose tolerance and total lipid profile of diabetic rats treated with
Ficus exasperata
leaf-based diet
, Hussein, Oyelola
University of Ilorin, Nigeria
In 2015 the Australian criterion for diagnosing
gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) was changed to mirror
the internationally applied IADPSG criterion. Research has
predicted this would increase the incidence of GDM due
to the lower fasting threshold and a new 1-hour diagnostic
To quantify the impact of the IADPSG guideline on the
incidence of GDM at a secondary hospital in Australia. It was
hypothesised that the incidence of GDMwould increase with
no associated difference in maternal or foetal outcomes.
Materials and Methods:
Only women with well-controlled
GDM continue their pregnancy at this Secondary Hospital,
with those uncontrolled or requiring insulin referred to a
Tertiary Hospital. All births between January-June 2015
(n=899) and 2016 (n=925) were included in the study.
Pregnancies with GDM in 2015, under the previous criteria
(n=71) and those in 2016, under the IADPSG criteria (n=56)
were identified. Routine clinical data including blood glucose
results, maternal and foetal outcomes were analysed.
After applying the IADPSG criteria at RGH, the
incidence of GDM decreased from 7.90% to 6.05%, a 23%
relative decrease that was not statistically significant. In the
same period in 2016 the referring Tertiary Hospital had a
significantly higher incidence of 23% (X2=116.92, p<0.01).
There was no significant difference in maternal or foetal
outcomes under the IADPSG guideline.
In a Secondary Hospital, the IADPSG criterion has
not increased the incidence of GDM as expected. Literature
on the new incidence of GDM is lacking and more data is
required to quantify the effect of the IADPSG guideline in
rosieviner@iinet.net.auThe impact of the IADPSG guidelines for gestational diabetes mellitus on a secondary hospital
Viner R
, Hird K
Basu A
University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, Western Australia, Australia
Rockingham General Hospital, Rockingham, Western Australia, Australia