Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutic Research
Volume 1 Issue 1
Clinical Pharmacy 2017
Page 44
December 07-09, 2017 | Rome, Italy
World Congress on
Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice
Developing a long lasting, mutually
beneficial relationship between Saint Louis
College of Pharmacy and Goa College of
Golden L. Peters
Saint. Louis College of Pharmacy, USA
n 2014, St. Louis College of Pharmacy (STLCOP) began
an on-going, long-term partnership with a pharmacy
school in southern India – Goa College of Pharmacy.
This partnership, aims to strengthen pharmacy education
in India through faculty and student exchange. To date
our ongoing partnership has included the exchange of
eight students and two STLCOP faculties on two visits.
Additionally, this fall a STLCOP faculty member and five
students will visit Goa College of Pharmacy and a faculty
member and two students will travel to STLCOP. There
has been an ongoing dialog between both institutions to
finalize a formal memorandum of understanding (MOU),
which is planned to be finalized and signed into effect
during the next visit in October 2017. This poster’s aim is to
provide the details, timeline, order of actions, successes,
pitfalls, and plans for the future that were encountered
during the development of this successful international
partnership. This poster will provide conference attendees
a starting point for creating new, fruitful and long standing
international partnerships.
Golden L. Peters received his B.A. degree from Fontbonne University in
Clayton, Missouri, USA and his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Southern
Illinois University – Edwardsville in 2009. He completed a PGY-1 Pharmacy
Practice Residency in 2010 at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in affiliation with
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy. He is currently
an Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the St. Louis College of
Pharmacy. He is also a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in Primary Care at the
VA St. Louis Health Care System – John Cochran Division. He is an editorial
board member for Madridge Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. He has over
25 publications and more than 20 invited international presentations, spanning
North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Golden.Peters@stlcop.eduGolden L. Peters, J Pharmacol Ther Res 2017