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Journal of Microbiology: Current Research | Volume 2
November 01-02, 2018 | London, UK
Clinical Microbiology Congress
International Conference on
Ophthalmology and Eye Disorder
Joint Event
The microbiome of insect vectors as hidden reservoirs for pathogens
Ana Carolina M Junqueira
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
nsects are well-known mechanical and biological vectors of
diseases. Flies such as blowflies and houseflies feed and breed
in feces and decaying organic matter, where they may acquire
a significant part of their microbiome. Likewise, mosquitoes
can visit a variety of sites and acquire their microbiome
form the environment and hosts where they feed. Flies and
mosquitoes are ubiquitous and synanthropic, thus potentially
playing an important role in the dispersal of microorganisms to
humans, animals and plants. In this study, we investigated the
microbiome of major insect vectors in different continents to
great depth, including the Oriental latrine blowfly
, the common housefly
Musca domestica
and the
Asian tiger mosquito
Aedes albopictus
. In total, ~ 150 individual
insects were sequenced through whole genome shotgun
(WGS) and we performed an in silico approach to filter the host
DNA sequences from datasets. This allowed for genomic and
metagenomicanalysesof thehost-associatedmicrobiomeat the
species level. Identification of microorganisms was done with
different bioinformatics approaches with varying stringencies.
Different insect species segregate based on the microbial
diversity and abundance, as shown with PCoA. Legs and wings
of flies displayed the largest microbial diversity and were
shown to be an important route for microbial dispersion. The
environmental sequencing approach used detected a stochastic
distribution of human pathogens in flies and mosquitoes. We
were able to further analyse pathogens at genomic level,
identifying virulence factors of the major causative agent of
gastric ulcers,
Helicobacter pylori
and antimicrobial resistance
Enterobacter cloacae
isolated from mosquitoes. Therefore,
our metagenomic approach highlights the potential of insects
in dispersing pathogens to humans, plants and animals through
neglected epidemiological routes
anacmj@gmail.comClinical Microbiology and Eye 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-8036-C1-003