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Journal of Microbiology: Current Research | Volume 2
November 01-02, 2018 | London, UK
Clinical Microbiology Congress
International Conference on
Ophthalmology and Eye Disorder
Joint Event
Detection and management of highly pathogenic avian influenza A/H5N1 clade virus in poultry
in Cameroon, 2016–2017
Abel Wade
Laboratoire National Veterinaire, Cameroon
n May 2016, highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV)
of the subtype A/H5N1 was detected in Cameroon in an
industrial poultry farm at Mvog-Betsi, Yaounde (Centre region),
with a recorded sudden increase of deaths among chickens,
and an overall mortality rate of 75%. The virus spread further
and caused new outbreaks in some parts of the country. In
total, 21 outbreaks were confirmed from May 2016 to March
2017 (six in the Centre, six in the West, eight in the South and
one in the Adamaoua regions). This resulted in an estimated
total loss of 138,252 birds (44,451 deaths due to infection and
93,801 stamped out). Only domestic birds (chicken, ducks and
geese) were affected in farms as well as in poultry markets.
The outbreaks occurred in three waves, the first from May to
June 2016, the second in September 2016 and the last wave
in March 2017. A multi-sectorial management were used to
control the outbreaks. The topology of the phylogeny based on
the haemagglutinin gene segment indicated that the causative
H5N1 viruses fall within the genetic clade, sharing a
same group with the A/H5N1 viruses collected in Niger in 2015
and 2016. More importantly, the gene constellation of four
representative viruses showed evidence of H5N1/H9N2 intra-
clade reassortment. Additional epidemiological and genetic
data fromaffected countries inWest Africa are needed to better
trace the origin, spread and evolution of A/H5N1 in Cameroon
abelwade@gmail.comClinical Microbiology and Eye 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.4066/2591-8036-C1-003