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May 13-14, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic

Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry



World Congress on

Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 9

ISSN: 2249-622X

Membrane-based approaches for creating multifunctional tools for Neuronal


Sabrina Morelli

National Research Council of Italy, Italy

Current research in neural tissue engineering is focused on

the realization of

in vitro

advanced devices that enhance

the neuronal growth and differentiation by mimicking

specific features of the in vivo environment. Among the

different devices used in neuroscience, membrane-based

systems are promising approaches for culturing neuronal

cells, offering a homogeneous environment in which

the proper topographical, mechanical and biological

conditions trigger the specific cellular organization. They

offer a broad range of application in developing neuronal

functional analogue or substitutes allowing cutting edge

investigations in neuroscience field. Indeed, they represent

both innovative devices to be used in restoring peripheral

nerve damage by boosting its regeneration and valuable



platforms for the investigation of new molecules for

neurodegenerative diseases treatments.

Within this scenario, this talkwill discuss themultifunctional

role of biohybrid membrane systems in neuronal tissue

engineering as innovative

in vitro

platforms with a well-

controlledmicroenvironment, that enhance nervous system

repair by guiding neuronal growth and differentiation. For

the design of an advanced neuronal tissue-engineered

constructs, membrane properties, including morphological,

structural, mechanical, physicochemical, and electrical

properties, are key elements in dictating cellular

behavior and in controlling new tissue formation. An

important challenge in neuronal tissue engineering is the

optimization of the design parameters for the realization

of novel instructive biomaterials able to promote neuronal

outgrowth. To this purpose, different collagen-blend

membranes were realized by combining collagen with

chitosan (CHT) or poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) to

enhance their properties and thus create new biofunctional

materials and permissive environment with great potential

use for neuronal tissue engineering and regeneration.

Collagen blending strongly affected membrane properties.

It improved the surface hydrophilicity of both, pure CHT

and PLGA membranes, reduced the stiffness of CHT

membranes, but it did not modify the good mechanical

properties of PLGA membranes.

Another challenging aspect in the field of neuronal

tissue engineering is to create innovative tools capable

of promoting cellular response in terms of neuronal

orientation that may be used as investigational platforms

for studying neurobiological events and neurodegenerative

disorders. Our strategy was to develop high performing

neuronal membrane bioreactors as a platform for the in

vitro reconstruction of neuronal networks with defined

functional, geometric, and neuroanatomical features.

A novel membrane bioreactor was created to test the

capacity of neuronal cells to react to topographical stimuli

thus guiding their orientation and to provide a 3Dwell-

controlled microenvironment for neuronal outgrowth.

The peculiar component within the device namely the

poly(lactic-L-acid) (PLLA) highly aligned and packed

microtube array membrane, together with the perfusion

system, offers a high grade of fidelity for cell growth and

elongation thus leading cell polarisation and orientation.

PLLA membrane bioreactor offers a continuous perfusion

to the cells with oxygenated medium and removal of

catabolites avoiding profile concentration and shear

stress. It promotes long-term growth and differentiation of

neuronal cells, and guided neurite alignment giving rise to

a 3D neuronal tissue-like construct.

Our studies have provided new insights regarding the

effects of membrane properties on neuronal behavior, and

thus it may help to design and improve novel instructive

biomaterials for neuronal tissue engineering.

Speaker Biography

SabrinaMorelli, Dr. in Animal Biology, is Researcher Scientist at the Institute

on Membrane Technology of the National Research Council of Italy (ITM-

CNR). She has expertise in the field of bioartificial membrane devices,

especially in the realization of advancedmembrane systems for creating 3D

engineered tissues and organs for regenerative medicine, pharmacological

screening, and as investigational platforms for studying physiological

and/or pathological processes. She was scientific responsible for CNR of

a PRIN project granted by Italian Ministry of Education, University and

Research and she is also involved in several international projects, in the

organizing committee of international conferences, in the referee pool of

scientific journals. She is co-author of over 70 peer-review scientific papers

published in international journals, chapters in books and encyclopedia.


Sabrina Morelli, Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci, Volume:9

DOI: 10.4066/2249-622X-C2-020