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May 13-14, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic

Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry



World Congress on

Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 9

ISSN: 2249-622X

Synthesis of Voltage Gated Sodium Channel Blockers (VGSCB)

Bölcskei H



Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary


Gedeon Richter Plc., Hungary


oltage gated sodium channels play an important role

in the physiological processes of the central nervous

system. The main therapeutic areas are epilepsy, various

types of pain, migraine and spasticity. In this talk the

key aspects and difficulties (e.g. hERG activity) of the

development of the new compounds with VGSCB activity

will be demonstrated on three examples.

1) CompanyGedeonRICHTERdevelopedthecentrallyacting

muscle relaxant Mydeton. Searching its derivatives,

many aryloxy-alkyl-amines were synthetized, changing

the aromatic moiety, the spacer, the amine function.

2) An HTS was the starting point of the development of

NaV1.7 Subtype selective sodium channel blockers.

Various members of an aryl- and heteroarylsubstituted

benzyloxy-benzylamine compound family were prepared.

3) Targeting the obscessive compulsive disorder,

compounds were prepared with dual activity: VGSCB

and serotonin reuptake inhibitory activity. We focused

on dextormethorphan derivatives. The best compounds

were tested in vivo (marble burying test) too.

Speaker Biography

Bölcskei H has completed her MSc study as a chemical engineer from

University of Technology, Budapest, Hungary. She received her PhD

in 1979 at the same university, and her scientific degree “candidate of

sciences” in 1988 from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Between

1973-2013 she worked as a researcher at the Hungarian pharmaceutical

company Gedeon Richter Plc. Since 2009 she has been working as

the associate professor of University of Technology and Economics,

Budapest, Hungary. Her main research interest: alkaloid chemistry,

organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry. She has over 60 publications that

have been cited over 200 times.


Bölcskei H, Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci, Volume:9

DOI: 10.4066/2249-622X-C2-020