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May 13-14, 2019 | Prague, Czech Republic

Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry



World Congress on

Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Volume 9

ISSN: 2249-622X

The pros and cons of being a parasite: Obligate parasites produce myriads of

protein isoforms from each gene

Sergey Melnikov

Yale University, USA


study the phenomenon of genome decay in obligate

intracellular parasites – organisms that exploit living

cells of other species as a nutrient-rich shelter in which to

grow, reproduce, and evade the host immune response. As


natural selection, they suffer from irreversible accumulation

of deleterious mutations and progressive genome decay.

Through biochemistry, genetics, structural biology and

bioinformatics, I investigate how the genome decay affects

structure and activity of molecular machineries of a parasite

cell. Because the genome decay problem is universal, I move

back and forth between bacterial and eukaryotic pathogens

(Microsporidia, Wolbachia, Mycoplasma). These studies

are important because they are uncovering fundamental

principles and predictable routes of pathogen evolution

and because they may lead to new effective therapies to

eliminate diseases caused by intracellular parasites.

The talk will present my recent findings that the genome

decay in intracellular parasites eradicates one of the most

fundamental properties of a cell – its ability to accurately

translate the genetic code into correct protein sequences.

For instance, in Microsporidia – emerging pathogens of

animals, including humans, mosquitos and honey bees

– protein synthesis is accompanied with statistical errors

in protein sequence leading to expression of myriads of

protein isoforms from each gene. In my talk I will highlight

our current efforts to understand the impact of error-prone

protein synthesis on parasites’ fitness and parasite-host

interaction. Also, I will present our progress in using the

error-prone protein synthesis as a target to treat parasite




Asian J Biomed Pharmaceut Sci, Volume:9

DOI: 10.4066/2249-622X-C2-021
